

Natural Health Advisory

Natural Health 101
Could Bringing on a Brain Freeze Be an Effective Home Remedy for Migraine?Migraines are tricky; once they begin, it can be near impossible to get them to stop or go away. Many people have learned tricks, however, that help them to control their migraines.
Using essential oils, placing an ice pack on the head or back of the neck, and massaging the neck or scalp are just a few examples. But perhaps the strangest home remedy for migraine is the brain freeze technique.
A brain freeze is generally something we avoid; the instantaneous pain in the head that happens after eating ice cream or slurping an ice-cold drink through a straw is a common experience, and it doesn’t feel very good. But making yourself get a brain freeze, what some people call an “ice cream headache,” can actually stop a migraine for some people.

Many people report that brain freezes make their headaches go away

There are many anecdotal reports that intentionally causing a brain freeze works to stop a migraine in its tracks and relieves pain. Many people find that eating ice cream, drinking ice-cold water, slurping a slushy drink, or holding cold water on their upper palate is effective.
Even people who find no relief from medications and other common migraine treatment recommendations have reported migraine relief from this seemingly strange, yet simple, strategy. But how could it possibly work?

The science of a brain freeze

Until fairly recently, brain freezes were a mysterious phenomenon. But researchers are finally beginning to understand what actually happens in the body during a brain freeze.
In one study, 13 adults drank both ice water and room temperature water and the researchers evaluated blood flow in the brain while they did so.[1] The participants were asked to drink the ice water through a straw held against their upper palate until the pain of a brain freeze occurred. The researchers found that pain increased when an artery called the arterial cerebral artery swelled and blood flow increased. The pain went away when the artery constricted again and blood flow decreased.
Similar changes in blood flow are linked to migraine headaches. While there is still a lot unknown about what causes migraines, and there is some disagreement among experts, there is a link between the dilation of blood vessels (when they enlarge to increase blood flow) and migraine pain. Some headache drugs work by blocking this dilation.

A home remedy worth a try

Researchers have still not studied the effects of inducing brain freeze to treat headaches, but the study above suggests that there is a possible scientific link between brain freezes and migraine pain.
While a brain freeze may seem like a strange home remedy for migraine, it also just might be worth a try. It doesn’t seem to work for everyone, but it is easy to experiment for yourself to see if it helps you.
Brain freezes are often associated with ice cream, but there are healthier alternatives; all you’ll need is water and ice. Try drinking ice-cold water through a straw and holding it against your upper palate until a brain freeze occurs. Blending ice into a slushy may also help. Give it a try and let us know if it works.

Other options for natural migraine treatment

Read more in our blogs for ideas on managing migraine pain:

Share your experience

Have you ever had any experience with this unique home remedy? Did it help? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

[1] FASEB J. April 2012 26 (Meeting Abstract Supplement) 685.4
The post A Strange—but Effective—Home Remedy for Migraine: Self-Inflicted Brain Freeze appeared first on Natural Health Advisory.

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