

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Natural Cures for Nausea and Dehydration

In our previous article on food poisoning, you learned how to kill foodborne pathogens by using oregano oil, a botanical medicine (herb) with antibacterial, antiviral, or other antimicrobial properties. Here, we’ll examine preventing and treating nausea, vomiting, and dehydration using natural therapies.

natural cures for nausea 416x248 Natural Cures for Nausea and DehydrationNatural cures for nausea

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) has a long history of use for alleviating nausea and vomiting, and recent human studies have confirmed ginger’s anti-nausea effects.[1] Ginger contains volatile oils called gingerols that are thought to be the primary active constituents. While ginger can be taken in many forms (tea, tincture, encapsulated dried powder), you will get the quickest and most potent effect by taking 500 mg of encapsulated ginger one to four times per day.  Pregnant women who wish to use ginger supplements should do so under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider.

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Acupressure bands. Studies also strongly support the use of acupressure bands (such as the Sea-Band Wristband) to quell nausea and vomiting.[2,3] In one recent study, acupressure bands were found to be just as effective for reducing nausea and vomiting as the commonly used anti-nausea drug, metoclopramide.[3] These bands work by putting constant pressure on a specific acupressure point called the pericardium 6 (P6) point on the insides of the wrists. To find the correct location, place your middle three fingers on the inside of your wrist with the edge of the third finger on the wrist crease. The P6 point is just under the edge of your index finger between the two central tendons. Wear the bands on both wrists for the strongest effect.

Natural cures for dehydration

Anyone with nausea is also at risk of vomiting and/or diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration. In addition to causing the body to lose water, diarrhea and/or vomiting cause the loss of electrolytes, including sodium and potassium. These electrolytes are needed to regulate bodily functions. Signs of dehydration in adults include increased thirst, dry mouth, weakness, dizziness, palpitations, confusion, sluggishness, and fainting. Start thinking about hydration as soon as you develop diarrhea or vomiting. Sipping small amounts of water or sucking on ice chips is good, but even better is sipping on an electrolyte drink (sports drink) since electrolytes help retain the fluid you’re replenishing.

These drinks also usually contain some form of sugar. In addition to providing an easily digested source of energy, glucose helps the gastrointestinal tract absorb fluids. Together, glucose and sodium work like a pump to help draw water rapidly into the bloodstream from the small intestine. While many sports drinks contain too much sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup and other harmful ingredients including maltodextrin and artificial flavors and sweeteners, there are natural electrolyte  drinks available at many chain supermarkets and health food stores. Look for sports drinks or powdered electrolyte drink mixes that contain no stimulants (like caffeine) or artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners.

Coconut water also fights dehydration and has recently become popular due to it high potassium content, as well as other nutrients such as sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin C. You can also make your own rehydration fluids at home. The simplest recipe calls for adding 1 level teaspoon of salt (Himalayan sea salt if you have it for the trace minerals) and 4 heaping teaspoons of organic sugar to 1 liter of pure water.  If you want to avoid sugar, you can use a small amount of fruit juice instead. Just remember that you need some carbohydrate for electrolyte absorption.

If your vomiting or diarrhea continues for three days, or if you notice weight loss, decreased urine production, confusion, or weakness, call a doctor immediately. Dehydration can be fatal.

Share your experience

How do you treat symptoms of nausea and vomiting? Have you tried these remedies for other conditions, such as motion sickness? Please share your comments below. You can also send a letter to the editor with your thoughts, requests, and suggestions.

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