

Natural Health Advisory

reducing triglycerides 100x100 The Triglycerides Range Most Likely to Cause Heart Disease…and the Optimal Range for Health and Longevity

Triglycerides Range 416x208 The Triglycerides Range Most Likely to Cause Heart Disease…and the Optimal Range for Health and LongevityCholesterol may get the most attention, but a large body of evidence indicates that elevation of triglycerides in the blood is also an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In fact, recent studies show that high triglycerides are directly and significantly associated with cardiovascular death, cardiovascular “events” (any incidents that may cause damage to the heart muscle), and heart attacks.[1] Furthermore, a massive DNA study recently showed for the first time that triglycerides are not just associated with cardiovascular disease, they actually cause it.[2] For these reasons, both patients and doctors are paying more attention to these fats and identifying the triglycerides range most likely to cause cardiovascular disease. Pro-active, health-conscious individuals are also searching for information about what is likely to be the most optimal range of triglycerides for health and longevity.

Learn how to achieve normal triglyceride levels with one or more of our 7 Top Options for Lowering Triglycerides Naturally in our FREE 14-page report, How to Lower Triglycerides Naturally – Diet, Supplement and Spice Options!

Triglyceride basics

Triglycerides are fats that are either made by the liver or ingested by the liver from the diet.  From the liver, they are then transported throughout the circulation and used by tissues as fuel or deposited for storage. Elevated triglyceride levels are often caused or exacerbated by uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, obesity, and sedentary habits. Too much alcohol and/or simple carbohydrates, like sugar, are notorious for raising triglyceride levels. Elevated triglycerides increase your risk for heart disease, the leading cause of death in men and women.

Classification of triglycerides

Triglycerides are typically measured as part of a standard lipid panel which measures blood levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol along with triglycerides. Levels are usually analyzed after 10-12 hours of fasting. In the fasting state, the classification of triglycerides is as follows:[3]

  • Normal triglyceride level: less than 150 mg/dL
  • Borderline-high triglyceride level: 150-199 mg/dL
  • High triglyceride level: 200-499mg/dL
  • Very high triglyceride level: greater than 500 mg/dL

More than a third of Americans’ levels fall within unsafe triglycerides range

Many doctors and researchers consider fasting triglyceride levels over 150 to be abnormally high, despite the official classification system listed above in which triglyceride levels within the range of 150-199 are considered “borderline-high.”[1] This is because even “borderline-high” triglyceride levels are associated with higher amounts of atherosclerosis-causing particles in the bloodstream, belly fat, insulin resistance, diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.[4] The optimal fasting triglycerides range may be less than 100 mg/dL, according to a consensus scientific statement from the American Heart Association.[4] Indeed, most integrative doctors and naturopathic physicians who are working to help patients optimize their health and longevity aim for a fasting triglyceride level below 100.

Unfortunately, far too many Americans fall into the “borderline-high” to “high” triglycerides range. Studies show that 33% of adults in the United States have triglyceride levels over 150 mg/dl, and over 50% of those have levels exceeding 200 mg/dl.[5] Getting more physical activity and cutting back on sugars, refined grains, and alcohol would go a long way in reducing these rates for many people. But for others, a more comprehensive and strategic treatment plan is necessary to bring stubborn triglycerides into the optimal range. This can be done using natural medicines combined with specific lifestyle changes. We show you exactly how to lower triglycerides naturally in our comprehensive guide, found here.

Also check out these blogs for more tips:

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