

Natural Health Advisory

Cognitive Decline and Memory Issues

Phosphatidylserine Benefits: Protect Your Brain, Preserve Memory, and Treat ADHDWhether you’ve started to become more forgetful, are dealing with dementia, or have a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, this supplement might be one of the best you can take to keep your memory sharp. The numerous phosphatidylserine benefits for your brain are also effective for ADHD, depression, and more.

What is phosphatidylserine?

This difficult to pronounce compound is what is called a phospholipid, something that makes up part of the cell wall, or cell membrane. It is one of the more common phospholipids found in the brain, where it functions as a dock for proteins and participates in numerous signaling pathways in nerve cells (neurons). Phosphatidylserine is involved in neuronal survival and growth, the formation of new connections between neurons, and the action of important neurotransmitters.[1] This phospholipid is also important in reducing oxidative stress and increasing glucose metabolism in the brain.[2]

The role of phosphatidylserine in cognitive decline

Age-related cognitive decline can be due to a variety of factors, including oxidative damage and changes in cellular metabolism. One change in the brain that occurs with age is the alteration of the structure and function of neuronal membranes. Numerous studies have found evidence that links a decrease in phosphatidylserine with cognitive decline and memory impairment.[1,2] So could supplementing with this compound help to preserve memory and cognition?

Phosphatidylserine supplementation – does it work?

Numerous studies have found that phosphatidylserine benefits those with age-related forgetfulness. In 72 functioning elderly men and women, supplementation with 300 mg of phosphatidylserine and 240 mg of phosphatidic acid daily resulted in significant improvements in memory testing scores after three months.[2] One hundred mg daily of phosphatidylserine with the omega-3 DHA helped also significantly improved cognitive capabilities of elderly individuals with memory complaints.[3] Yet another study found that 300 mg daily significantly improved memory recognition, memory recall, executive functions, and mental flexibility in the elderly.[4]

Those who have already been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease also seem to benefit. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease who were given the supplement at a dose of 300 mg with 240 mg phosphatidic acid had improved markers of the disease after only two months, while those given placebo showed marked deterioration.[2]

Other phosphatidylserine benefits

Phosphatidylserine also helps chronic stress, depression, and ADHD.[5] In one study, children with ADHD were given two 100 mg phosphatidylserine chews daily or placebo for two months. Over the course of the study, ADHD symptoms improved in the phosphatidylserine group, while those receiving placebo showed no change. Improvements included better short-term auditory memory, lower levels of hyperactivity and inattention, and an average of 4.2 fewer ADHD symptoms overall.[6]


The recommended intake ranges from 200 to 800 mg daily, but for most conditions 200 to 400 mg daily works well.[5] Try 200 mg daily and if you don’t see any improvement, increase the dose gradually up to a maximum of 800 mg per day.

Share your experience

Do you use phosphatidylserine for preserving memory loss? What about for ADHD, depression, or stress? Share your experience with phosphatidylserine benefits in the comments section below.

[1] Prog Lipid Res. 2014 Oct;56:1-18.

[2] Adv Ther. 2014 Dec;31(12):1247-62.

[3] Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2014;38(1-2):39-45.

[4] Clin Interv Aging. 2013;8:557-63.

[5] Altern Med Rev. 2008 Sep;13(3):245-7.

[6] J Hum Nutr Diet. 2014 Apr;27 Suppl 2:284-91.

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