

Natural Health Advisory

Natural Health 101

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Kimchi Fermented VegetablesKimchi is a nutritious vegetable probiotic food

Kimchi is a low-calorie, low-fat, nutrient-dense source of vitamins (especially vitamin C and beta-carotene), minerals, fiber, important phytochemicals (including beta-sitosterol, sulfur compounds, and capsaicin), and, perhaps most importantly, numerous probiotic strains (including Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis).[1] Researchers have compared kimchi to yogurt, stating that kimchi can be considered a vegetable probiotic food, while yogurt is a health-promoting dairy probiotic food.[1]

Kimchi for weight loss

Studies have reported numerous health benefits of kimchi and other fermented vegetables. For instance, eating kimchi can help obese people decrease body weight, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, and percentage of body fat.[2]

Eating kimchi also improves a number of metabolic factors associated with being overweight that increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes: fasting blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure.[2] In diabetic rats, kimchi improves insulin function and lowers average blood glucose levels.[3] In healthy young people, kimchi helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar.[4]

Other health benefits of kimchi

Besides its beneficial effects on weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar, health benefits of kimchi that have been reported in the scientific literature include:

  • Increased antioxidant status [4]
  • Protection from asthma [5]
  • Anti-aging properties [1,6]
  • Anti-cancer benefits [1,7]
  • Protection from atherosclerosis [8]
  • Anti-constipation effects [1]
  • Colon health promotion [1]
  • Brain health promotion [1]
  • Skin health promotion [1]

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Immune stimulating effects of kimchi need further study

Another possible benefit of kimchi currently under investigation is immune system stimulation, potentially decreasing the risk of viral infections such as the flu. In animals, kimchi stimulates the growth of immune cells such as spleen cells, bone marrow cells, thymus cells, and B cells.[9] The probiotic strain lactobacillus plantarum isolated from kimchi increases the production of immunoglobulin A (IgA), an antibody that plays a critical role in immunity, in mice.[9]

Only one human study, which was small and of short duration (4 weeks), has examined the immune effects of kimchi in humans.[9] Results did not show any clear effects of kimchi on the immune systems of healthy college students. Further studies that are larger and of longer duration are needed to determine the immune enhancing effects of kimchi.

The best kimchi for health

There are hundreds of varieties of kimchi, each with varying types of fermented vegetables, seasonings, and cooking methods. Tastes range from bland to spicy. Good kimchi is often described as having a balanced sour, salty, and spicy flavor and has a crunchy texture. Experiment to find brands and varieties that suit your taste, but make sure you’re purchasing fermented kimchi, as non-fermented varieties are also available. Also, avoid kimchi that contains MSG, excessive amounts of sodium, and/or preservatives. There are many recipes to make you own, like this one. Let us know what kind of kimchi you like best in the comments section below.

[1] J Med Food. 2014 Jan;17(1):6-20.

[2] Nutr Res. 2011 Jun;31(6):436-43.

[3] J Med Food. 2009 Apr;12(2):292-7.

[4] J Med Food. 2013 Mar;16(3):223-9.

[5] J Med Food. 2014 Jan;17(1):172-178.

[6] J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr. 2002;31:117–123.

[7] J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr. 1995;24:169–182.

[8] J Agric Food Chem. 2007;55:10486–10492.

[9] Clin Nutr Res. Jul 2014; 3(2): 98–105.

The post 11 Amazing Health Benefits of Kimchi Fermented Vegetables appeared first on Natural Health Advisory.

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