What is BPPV?
BPPV is a very common disorder of the inner ear’s vestibular system, the system that helps us to maintain balance. It occurs when tiny pieces of calcium carbonate (called otoconia) detach and move around in the inner ear. When you are still, they settle, but when the head is moving, the otoconia shift and float around, disrupting the delicate system, sending false signals of movement to the brain and causing the primary symptom of vertigo, along with dizziness, nausea, and imbalance.
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In younger people, BPPV is most often caused by head injury. Other causes include repetitive head movements, high intensity exercise, infections, or holding the head in the same position for prolonged periods (as in bed rest or dental work). But in older populations, it is it generally associated with natural age-related degeneration of the inner ear. BPPV is especially common in women over 50 years, post-menopause.
The link between osteoporosis and vertigo
With age, calcium metabolism becomes imbalanced, which can cause us to lose bone density and develop osteoporosis. Researchers believe that the same problems with calcium metabolism that cause our bones to lose density might also be contributing to what causes vertigo, as BPPV is caused by degradation of calcium deposits in the ear.
Numerous studies have found an association between osteoporosis and vertigo, with reductions in bone mineral density associated with the onset and recurrence of BPPV.[1,2] In one study involving 29 women with BPPV, 81% had osteoporosis or osteopenia.[3] This remarkably high rate of osteoporosis in people with BPPV provides a strong link between bone health and vertigo.
Vitamin D deficiency and BPPV
Vitamin D is well known for its importance in maintaining healthy bones ; vitamin D supplementation can help reduce risks of falls and fractures and treat osteoporosis.[4] As osteoporosis and vertigo seem to be linked, does that mean that vitamin D and vertigo also are associated? The answer seems to be yes.
Several studies have reported significantly low vitamin D levels in people with BPPV.[1,4,5] The Journal of Neurology published findings in 2013 that reported vitamin D levels in people with BPPV to be 4.5 ng/mL lower than healthy controls.[5] Very low levels have also been associated with the recurrence of BPPV.[1]
Although more research is needed to confirm the benefits of taking vitamin D for BPPV treatment, a small pilot study found that in four patients with low vitamin D and BPPV, supplementation with vitamin D prevented recurrence of vertigo for at least eight months.[4]
Get your vitamin D checked
If you suffer from BPPV, try checking your vitamin D levels. The lower limit for vitamin D levels should be 30 ng/mL, but keeping your vitamin D above 45 ng/mL, or even 50 mg/mL, may be the most beneficial. Ask your doctor to perform a 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) blood test to determine where you are. Supplementation with as much as 3,000 to 5,000 IU daily can help you raise your levels to the optimal range. Safe sun exposure of about 15 to 30 minutes daily can help boost your vitamin D as well (make sure to avoid burning).
For more information on maintaining healthy vitamin D levels, read more here . Correcting a vitamin D deficiency just might be the key to your BPPV treatment to help you get rid of sickening and debilitating vertigo. Plus, vitamin D can also help to treat depression , fight cancer , and help you live longer , too.
Share your experience
Do you have vertigo? Do you have recommendations for natural BPPV treatment? Share your tips in the comments section below.
[1] Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Jun 29. [Epub ahead of print]
[2] Laryngoscope. 2013 Nov;123(11):2813-6.
[3] Laryngoscope. 2013 Nov;123(11):2834-9.
[4] Med Hypotheses. 2013 Feb;80(2):201-4.
[5] J Neurol. 2013 Mar;260(3):832-8.
The post What Causes Vertigo? Learn Why BPPV Treatment Should Include Vitamin D appeared first on Natural Health Advisory.
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