

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Is Salt Bad For You? Too Much and Too Little Can Both Be Harmful
Is Salt Bad For You 416x277 Is Salt Bad For You? Too Much and Too Little Can Both Be Harmful
If you have high blood pressure, you’ve probably been told to substantially limit your salt intake. This is because reducing sodium can help to lower blood pressure, which reduces your risk for heart disease. While much of the population consumes way too much sodium, it is possible to take the recommendations of a low-salt diet too far. Research shows that a diet too low in sodium can be harmful to your health, too.
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When is salt bad for you?
It is not disputed that excess sodium intake raises your risk for cardiovascular disease and mortality.[1] The problem with high sodium intake is mainly related to the way it raises your blood pressure, which is a major risk for heart disease. And in a world where many people’s diets include pre-prepared and packaged food, it is all too easy to eat too much sodium. Common fast food meals, for example, can contain over 2,000 or 3,000 g of sodium. Combine that with the other food you eat throughout the day, and your sodium intake will skyrocket far above where it should be. In reality, most Americans desperately need to cut back on their salt intake.
Too little might be bad for you, too

santé nature innovation

Quand une tumeur bénigne ou cancéreuse m’atteint…
Moi, le foie, je suis épuisé ! C’est ma dernière lettre, mes ultimes conseils.
C’est quand le cancer m’atteint que j’ai le plus d’angoisses.
Heureusement, les chercheurs ont fortement progressé pour me traiter avec toujours plus d’efficacité. Je vais donc essayer d’être optimiste.

Voyons d’abord les tumeurs bénignes : des « hyperplasies hépatiques » aux « adénomes du foie »

On observe surtout les hyperplasies nodulaires focales du foie (10 fois plus fréquentes que l’adénome). Ces anomalies, très visibles sur scanner ou IRM de moi-même, s’étendent dans le foie sur de larges surfaces.
L’hyperplasie nodulaire focale est le plus souvent silencieuse cliniquement mais peut de façon exceptionnelle se manifester par des douleurs, une augmentation de mon volume, voire une hémorragie.
Son développement serait indépendant des contraceptifs oraux. Elle est pourtant observée essentiellement chez les femmes, démontrant ainsi son hormonodépendance, évidemment aux hormones féminines. Tous les cas observés par celui qui me permet de vous écrire concernaient des femmes ayant consommé la pilule durant de nombreuses années.
Pourquoi cette distorsion ? Essentiellement parce que les médecins n’interrogent pas les patientes. Ils ne sont pas formés à poser la question essentielle de la durée de la consommation de la ou des pilules ; ils sont formés, formatés pour les prescrire aveuglément, sans être informés quant aux complications [1].
L’adénome, petite tumeur qui se développe comme un noyau en moi, votre foie, peut apparaître après 7 ans de consommation de pilule. Il est donc recommandé de faire réaliser une échographie hépatique tous les ans à partir de 7 années de consommation de pilule. Mais aucun gynécologue ne le dit, tandis que certains généralistes se montrent plus méfiants, surtout les homéopathes.
Celui qui me permet de vous écrire ces lettres m’a raconté avoir opéré plusieurs jeunes femmes atteintes de tumeurs bénignes volumineuses du foie, nommées adénomes du foie. Ces tumeurs sont en général assez superficielles dans le tissu du foie et furent découvertes au moins trois fois par rupture de la capsule à ma superficie. Cette rupture est à l’origine d’une grave hémorragie qui impose l’intervention chirurgicale en urgence pour sauver la vie.
La fréquence des tumeurs bénignes du foie apparaît plus importante en cas de prise de produits contenant, comme œstrogène, du mestranol [2] plus que de l’éthinyl-estradiol seul.
La lésion est généralement unique (dans 80 % des cas). Plus rarement, il existe deux ou trois zones en moi, votre foie. La lésion est grossièrement arrondie, nodulaire.

Une fois sur dix, la transformation en cancer

Natural Health Advisory

cognitive decline icon Anticholinergic Drugs Side Effects Include Increased Risk for Dementia: Learn About These and Other Drugs That Cause Memory Loss
Drugs That Cause Memory Loss 416x286 Anticholinergic Drugs Side Effects Include Increased Risk for Dementia: Learn About These and Other Drugs That Cause Memory Loss
Memory loss can be caused by a number of factors. A cause that is often overlooked, but extremely common, is medication use. A variety of widely used drugs, including antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, sleeping aids, and ant-histamines can all contribute to cognitive impairment and memory problems. Some may even raise your risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, as well. Learn about these drugs that cause memory loss to help keep your mind and memory in good shape.
Anticholinergic drugs: side effects include an increased risk for dementia
Anticholinergic drugs are a class of medications that block the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Some anticholinergic drugs purposefully block acetylcholine activity to reach their intended therapeutic effect, while others unintentionally do so. They are used to treat a variety of conditions, including diarrhea, asthma, COPD, insomnia, dizziness, overactive bladder, and more. Anticholinergic activities can be seen in both over-the-counter drugs and prescription medications. Examples of these drugs include Benadryl (used for allergies), Oxivent (used for asthma), Spiriva (used for respiratory conditions), and tricyclic antidepressants.
A study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine in March of 2015 found a strong association between anticholinergic drug use and an increased risk for both all-cause dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Of the over 3,000 participants, those who had the highest exposure to these medications had a significantly elevated risk for dementia compared to those who never used the medications. The authors said that “a person taking an anticholinergic medication such as oxybutynin 5mg daily or doxepin 10 mg daily for more than three years would have a greater risk for dementia.”[1] The results of this new study are in line with several previous findings that anticholinergic drugs side effects often include cognitive impairment and memory problems.[2]
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Other drugs that cause memory loss and cognitive impairment

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Drinking Too Much Coconut Water Can Be Dangerous
Drinking Too Much Coconut Water Can Be Dangerous 416x297 Drinking Too Much Coconut Water Can Be Dangerous
Editor’s note: Read about coconut water benefits in part 1 of this article.
One of the best-known coconut water benefits, an uncommonly high amount of potassium, is also the main reason that drinking too much coconut water can cause harm.
In a case study titled “Death by Coconut,” published in Circulation, Justin Hakimian, MD, and his colleagues at the Department of Cardiology, New York Hospital Queens, describe the case of a 42-year-old previously healthy man who developed dangerously high potassium levels that led to fainting and abnormal heart rhythms after drinking a large amount of coconut water.[1] The man had been playing tennis outdoors all day in temperatures in excess of 90° F. He reported drinking a total of eight 11-ounce bottles of coconut water throughout the day. He experienced a sudden onset of lightheadedness and briefly lost consciousness. Afterward, he complained of weakness and lightheadedness and was brought to the emergency department by ambulance. He was disoriented and warm and, most importantly, had a very low blood pressure and heart rate.
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Dangers of too much potassium

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 3 Fabulous Coconut Water Health Benefits
Fabulous Coconut Water Health Benefits 416x312 3 Fabulous Coconut Water Health Benefits
Coconut water has become increasingly popular as a drink around the world because of its natural ingredients, electrolytes, and mineral content combined with its low levels of fat, calories, and carbohydrates. This naturally nutritious beverage has antioxidant effects; protects the health of the cardiovascular system and the liver; and reduces cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure in animal studies.[1] In human clinical trials, coconut water has shown effectiveness for total body rehydration and blood volume restoration after exercise, as a therapeutic moisturizer for mild-to-moderate dry skin, and as a treatment for high blood pressure.[2] Coconut water health benefits clearly exist, but so do risks. (In part 2 of this article, you’ll learn why coconut water isn’t for everybody, who should avoid it, and why.)
Improve your health today with our FREE report Natural Health 101: Living a Healthy Lifestyle. You’ll get our healthy food list, exercise plan, tips to overcome vitamin deficiency symptoms, and much more!
What is coconut water?
Coconut water comes from the cavity of the fruit of the coconut palm, which is grown throughout the world in tropical climates. Coconut water is about 95% water, 4% carbohydrates, 0.1% fat, 0.02% calcium, 0.01% phosphorous, and 0.5% iron, and contains amino acids, vitamin C, B complex vitamins, and minerals, including sodium and magnesium.[3,6] Coconut water also contains enzymes and various phytochemicals, some of which appear to have anti-cancer and anti-aging effects in preliminary studies.[3]
The contents of coconut water are similar to the ingredients in sports drinks and oral rehydration solutions, except that coconut water contains less sodium and more potassium, plus small amounts of the other nutrients just mentioned. The exact amounts and proportions of these compounds depends on the age and ripeness of the coconut fruit.[6] In general, coconut water is derived from younger, greener coconuts of the green dwarf variety, which has been shown to have the most powerful antioxidant activity and the highest levels of vitamin C and health-promoting polyphenol compounds among varieties.[7]
Coconut water to lower blood pressure

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Migraine Causes Include Stress—and the Release of Stress

Migraine Causes Include Stress and the Release of Stress 416x288 Migraine Causes Include Stress—and the Release of StressAs a longtime migraine sufferer, I am never too surprised when I get headaches during periods of high stress. Stress is always on the list of common migraine causes. But what has always baffled me is when my migraines get worse when I am finally able to relax after stressful times; in the past, I have gotten headaches on the first days of vacations or on the days following college final exams. This didn’t ever make sense to me, until I learned that a reduction in stress can cause a headache just like an increase can.

Stress and migraines

Stress is a well-established trigger for migraine. In fact, perceived stress may be associated with migraine onset in up to 80% of people with migraines.[1] Daily life hassles as well as major life events (both positive and negative) can cause headache episodes. You may find that a single stressful event may trigger a headache, or you may find that your headaches increase in frequency or severity during a period of prolonged high stress, such as during a move, during a difficult time at work, or following the birth of a baby. Try keeping a headache journal to identify these kinds of patterns.

Improve your health today with our FREE report Natural Health 101: Living a Healthy Lifestyle. You’ll get our healthy food list, exercise plan, tips to overcome vitamin deficiency symptoms, and much more!

The “let-down” headache

Something that may be harder to pinpoint and harder to understand is that when stress begins to subside, your body may also react by triggering a migraine. A study published in the journal Neurology in 2014 found that a decline in perceived stress was associated with an increased risk for migraine onset. The authors of the study found that at six hours after the decline in perceived stress, the odds for having a migraine were increased by four-fold. They also found that when stress decreased from one evening to the next, headaches were likely to occur the following day.[1]

Headaches that occur after stress are sometimes called “let-down” or “weekend” headaches. They often occur on weekends, on vacation, or other times when the person is finally able to relax, let down, and escape from stressful stimuli. Although researchers don’t entirely understand why this occurs, they believe that glucocorticoid hormones may play a role. These hormones temporarily increase during stress and have anti-inflammatory and pain-blocking effects; when stress is reduced, the levels of these hormones fall, and this effect may initiate a migraine attack.[1]

The role of relaxation techniques in balancing stress levels

Because both stress and a reduction in stress can be migraine causes, it is essential to keep your stress levels in check. This is why a variety of relaxation techniques have been shown to be so effective in migraine treatment.[2] Try progressive muscle relaxation training, guided imagery, deep paced breathing, meditation, and more, which can all help reduce headache symptoms. Biofeedback can also be effective for helping you to learn how to induce the relaxation response in your body. Cognitive behavioral therapy may also be worth a try; it can help you to identify and modify thinking and behavioral patterns that may be negatively impacting your stress levels.

Preventing stress in the first place is the best way to avoid a “let-down” headache. But when stress inevitably occurs, take all the measures you can to take care of your body. Avoid any known triggers, keep yourself well fed, get plenty of sleep, and keep up with your relaxation techniques. Do whatever you know works to keep your body balanced to avoid a possible attack.

Share your experience

Do you get headaches when you are stressed? What about when your stress levels decrease? What other migraine causes have you identified for yourself? Share your favorite relaxation techniques for reducing migraine headaches in the comments section below.

[1] Neurology. 2014 Apr 22;82(16):1395-401.

[2] Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2015 Apr;15(4):14.

The post Migraine Causes Include Stress—and the Release of Stress appeared first on Natural Health Advisory.

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Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Cauliflower Nutrition 101
Cauliflower Nutrition 101 416x275 Cauliflower Nutrition 101
For the common vegetable cauliflower, nutrition and health benefits are sadly under-recognized and underappreciated. While its nutritional reputation may pale in comparison to that of broccoli and its other cruciferous cousins, cauliflower is actually a nutritional powerhouse. This low-calorie, low-carb, high-fiber food, much like the other cruciferous vegetables—broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, collards, cabbage, and others—is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and packed with rare phytochemicals responsible for its fantastic array of health benefits. Not only that, but cauliflower is way more versatile and mild tasting than other vegetables from the Brassica family, making it easy to use in a wide variety of delicious recipes. (Read more about the Brassica family of vegetables in “The Best Cholesterol Lowering Food.”)
Improve your health today with our FREE report Natural Health 101: Living a Healthy Lifestyle. You’ll get our healthy food list, exercise plan, tips to overcome vitamin deficiency symptoms, and much more!
Cauliflower Nutrition—Macronutrients
One cup of cooked cauliflower contains only 29 calories, making it a very low calorie food. This amount of cooked cauliflower has 2.28 grams of protein and 0.56 grams of fat, including 0.21 grams of omega-3 fats. It contains 5.1 grams of carbohydrate, more than half of which is fiber (2.9 grams) to help keep you full and satisfied.[1]
Cauliflower Nutrition—Vitamins and Minerals
In terms of essential vitamins and minerals, you’ll find that cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, choline, folate, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6. The chart below lists cauliflower’s vitamins and minerals from highest percent DRI/DV to lowest, along with their important health benefits.
Cauliflower Nutrition 101 Chart Cauliflower Nutrition 101

Natural Health Advisory

reducing triglycerides 100x100 5 Time Tested Steps to Reduce Triglycerides Naturally

apples walnuts heart health 260x206 5 Time Tested Steps to Reduce Triglycerides NaturallyYou are a reasonable person and you want to take care of your health. You know this means not ignoring your recent lab test which showed you have high triglycerides. But, you have heard of the frequent debilitating side effects that prescription fibrates and statin drugs cause – muscle pain, weakness, liver damage, memory loss, etc. You believe in lowering your triglycerides naturally, but you’re just not sure what that entails. If this describes you, then you will most certainly want to read on!

Learn how to achieve normal triglyceride levels with one or more of our 7 Top Options for Lowering Triglycerides Naturally in our FREE 14-page report, How to Lower Triglycerides Naturally – Diet, Supplement and Spice Options!

What are triglycerides?

Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood that are actually needed for good health. They are important because they provide the body with energy. But, when triglyceride levels become too high, the body begins to store them as fat and the risk of heart disease increases.

Here are the reference ranges (units of measurement are in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL)):

  • Normal is less than 150.
  • Borderline-high is 150 to 199.
  • High is 200 to 499.
  • Extremely high is 500 or higher.

What causes high triglycerides?

High triglycerides can be caused by a number of factors:

  • Thyroid disorder
  • History of obesity, diabetes, kidney disease or liver disease
  • A poor diet of carbohydrates, sugar and/or alcohol
  • Medication use such as hormone replacement therapy, birth control pills, steroids, beta-blockers, diuretics and Tamoxifen

Why do high triglycerides matter?

Having high triglycerides is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. High triglycerides can also be associated with metabolic syndrome – a combination of medical disorders including too much fat around the waist (40 inches or more for men; 35 inches or more for women), high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high triglycerides and cholesterol levels. Metabolic syndrome further increases the likelihood of having a stroke, heart attack or diabetes.

5 Time-Tested Steps to Reduce High Triglycerides Naturally:

If you’re serious about lowering your triglyceride levels, try these 5 natural healing techniques:

Step 1 – Avoid starchy carbohydrate foods. Foods such as baked potatoes, white bread and corn flakes can cause high blood sugar spikes and thus raise triglyceride levels as well as lower HDL “good” cholesterol. Read more about the beneficial effects of a Mediterranean diet plan here.

Step 2 – Increase your intake of dietary fiber. Studies show that low dietary fiber is associated with high levels of triglycerides and low levels of HDL “good” cholesterol.[1] The current recommendation for fiber is about 25 to 30 grams daily. Unfortunately, the average American eats about 10 to 12 grams of fiber each day. No wonder we are sick! Avoid trying to get your fiber from carbohydrates such as wheat breads. Instead, increase your consumption of beans, oatmeal, apples, bananas, pears, greens, and sweet potatoes. You can also take psyllium fiber supplements. Psyllium not only helps reduce high triglycerides, but it also helps curb appetite and stabilize glucose levels, which in turn helps reduce carbohydrate cravings. It is best to follow the manufacturer’s dosing instructions and take the supplements with plenty of water.

Step 3 – Start exercising. If there ever was a silver bullet or magic pill, regular exercise is it. Regular physical activity boosts HDL “good” cholesterol while decreasing triglycerides. Start out exercising 30 minutes per day for three to five days per week. You can take a walk in the park, go for a bike ride or even play a game of hide-and-seek with your kids or grandkids. Start out simple and be sure to have fun! Find some ideas on how to get motivated to exercise here.

Step 4 – Take omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help lower triglycerides, even in patients with coronary artery disease.[2] Sardines, salmon, flax seeds and walnuts are excellent food sources of omega-3 fatty acids. However, most people do not eat enough of these foods in order to get the amount of omega-3s needed to reduce high triglycerides. Therefore, for most people, supplementation is the only way to obtain the needed amount of omega-3s each day. When purchasing an omega-3 supplement, read the label to make sure the daily intake of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) added together equals 1000 mg, which is the amount recommended for cardio protection.

Step 5 – Download our free report, How to Lower Triglycerides Naturally – Diet, Supplement and Spice OptionsThe truth is: If you want optimal health, you must take responsibility for achieving it – and that responsibility can start now! While the steps listed above are good starting points, it typically takes a combination of natural healing strategies to effectively lower high triglycerides. Our free report provides the specifics of some of the most important of those strategies. Don’t put it off any longer – the sooner you take action, the sooner you can begin to decrease your heart attack and stroke risks. Download the report today and get started on your journey to wellness!

[2] American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 86: 943-49.

Originally published in 2012, this blog is regularly updated.

The post 5 Time-Tested Steps to Reduce Triglycerides Naturally appeared first on Natural Health Advisory.

from Natural Health Advisory » Natural Health Advisory » Natural health research providing non-drug, natural healing approaches for today’s health challenges

santé nature innovation

Chère lectrice, cher lecteur,
En vacances en Sicile depuis une semaine, je peux vous dire qu’il est impossible de trouver ici des tomates mangeables.
Elles sont aussi dures, insipides, aqueuses que celles des hypermarchés de nos banlieues. Pareil pour les courgettes, les aubergines…
« À quoi bon voyager, si c’est pour trouver partout la même malbouffe ? », se lamentaient hier soir des amis rencontrés à l’auberge de jeunesse.
À quoi bon ?
Eh bien, peut-être pour reprendre contact avec la réalité, et se souvenir du fonctionnement de base de la nature !

Il n’y a jamais eu de bonnes tomates au mois d’avril

La tomate n’a jamais mûri au mois d’avril, même en Méditerranée, même au temps soi-disant béni de nos grands-parents.
Nous sommes en Sicile, c’est vrai. Mais il n’empêche qu’il fait froid l’hiver. La semaine dernière, il faisait 6°C à Palerme ! Dans les rues, seuls les touristes étaient en bermuda. Les Siciliens, eux, avaient leurs doudounes et leurs bonnets, et ils avaient bien raison, vu le vent.
La tomate, comme l’aubergine, fait partie de la famille des solanacées. Elle provient d’Amérique du Sud. Elle était faite, à l’origine, uniquement pour les climats chauds et humides toute l’année. Pour bien pousser, elle a besoin d’une température de 15°C la nuit et 25°C le jour. La tomate meurt en dessous de 2°C. L’aubergine, elle, arrête sa croissance en dessous de 12°C.
Et ce n’est pas tout : la tomate a besoin d’un très long temps d’ensoleillement : 17 à 18 heures par jour si possible, ce qui ne se produit qu’au mois de juillet sous nos latitudes.
Dans ces conditions, vous aurez de bonnes tomates. Mais de toutes façons, il faudra être patient : cinq à six mois sont nécessaires entre le semis et la première récolte.

Les tomates de nos grands-parents

santé nature

Vous remarquerez que dans tous les compléments alimentaires, le zinc est présent. En effet, cet oligo-élément semble être un problème pour tous ceux qui ne mangent pas de produits animaux et je pense qu'ils sont nombreux parmi ceux qui suivent ce blog....

from Votre santé par la nature

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon The Myth of Non Drowsy Antihistamines and Allergy Medicine

non drowsy allergy medication 416x222 The Myth of Non Drowsy Antihistamines and Allergy Medicine
Allergy sufferers have long faced a no-win situation with traditional antihistamine medications: sneeze and itch your way through allergy season or take antihistamines and live in a fog instead. Antihistamines stop allergy symptoms by reducing or blocking histamines, chemicals the body releases in response to an allergic trigger. Histamines cause the stuffy nose; itchy, watery eyes; and rashy skin that are the hallmarks of an allergic reaction.
While antihistamines can reduce these symptoms, they can cause unpleasant side effects, too. Drugs such as Benadryl and Chlor-Trimeton cause drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, and restlessness. Newer-generation nondrowsy antihistamines such as Clarinex and Zyrtec have been presented as having fewer side effects and are often described as non-drowsy allergy medication. However, a new study indicates that this long-held belief doesn’t hold true—the newer-generation antihistamines tested caused daytime drowsiness, too.
Improve your health today with our FREE report Natural Health 101: Living a Healthy Lifestyle. You’ll get our healthy food list, exercise plan, tips to overcome vitamin deficiency symptoms, and much more!
New study compares new and old antihistamines on drowsiness and mood

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Aromatherapy Essential Oils Chart

Chart of the Most Common Essential Oils Used in Aromatherapy:

aromatherapy essential oils chart Aromatherapy Essential Oils Chart
Click here to enlarge and print this aromatherapy essential oils chart.
Improve your health today with our FREE report Natural Health 101: Living a Healthy Lifestyle. You’ll get our healthy food list, exercise plan, tips to overcome vitamin deficiency symptoms, and much more!

Essential Oil Tips:

Natural Health Advisory

cholesterol control icon Top Pomegranate Health Benefits
Top Pomegranate Health Benefits 416x277 Top Pomegranate Health Benefits
Winter produce can be a bit drab in comparison to the fresh blueberries, raspberries, peaches, and nectarines of summertime. But each winter, I eagerly wait for one of my favorite foods of all time to appear on grocery store shelves: pomegranates. I’ve always loved the task of removing the seeds from this fruit, and I often will eat a whole bowl of them straight with a spoon. If I don’t eat them all in one sitting, I will include these beautiful red seeds in fruit salads or green spinach salads for a special treat. The flavor is just the beginning: Pomegranate health benefits are plentiful and impressive.
Lower heart disease risk
This antioxidant-rich fruit has a number of health benefits, particularly for your heart. We included pomegranate as one of the Top 8 Foods to Lower Blood Pressure, because it is so effective in bringing blood pressure readings down. They can also help lower LDL cholesterol and prevent LDL oxidation, which are two factors that can impact your risk for heart disease.
Learn the top 7 solutions for lowering cholesterol naturally without the use of drugs in our FREE 12-page report, 7 Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol: Top Foods, Supplements & Therapies to Achieve Normal Cholesterol Readings!
Pomegranates are rich source of antioxidants

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 5 Rosehip Benefits: From Arthritis to Diabetes and More

5 Rosehip Benefits From Arthritis to Diabetes and More 416x277 5 Rosehip Benefits: From Arthritis to Diabetes and MoreRosehips are the beautiful red berries that form on rose plants after successful pollination of the flower in summer. These fruits, from the plant Rosa canina, commonly known as wild briar rose or dog rose, has been used as a traditional medicine for centuries to treat ailments such as diarrhea and diabetes.[1]

Rosehip is a potent source of vitamin C, and it also contains folate, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins A, B3, D, and E. Rosehips are high in antioxidants like flavonoids, carotenoids, beta-sitosterol, and more.[1] Rosehip benefits include strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, blood- sugar- reducing, and lipid-lowering effects.


One of the most well studied rosehip benefits is its ability to treat osteoarthritis.[1,2] Rosehip has anti-inflammatory effects and can protect cartilage from damage, which may explain its ability to relieve osteoarthritis pain.[3] In one study on patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis, supplementation with 5 g per day of rosehip powder resulted in less pain and a lower need for rescue medication after only three weeks.[4] Rosehip may be as effective, if not more effective, than glucosamine, which is a well established natural treatment for osteoarthritis.[1]

Rosehip may also help to treat rheumatoid arthritis . People who received 5 g rose hip daily showed improvement in symptoms, while those who received placebo got worse.[5]

Improve your health today with our FREE report Natural Health 101: Living a Healthy Lifestyle. You’ll get our healthy food list, exercise plan, tips to overcome vitamin deficiency symptoms, and much more!

Heart disease

Studies show that rosehip reduces risk factors for cardiovascular disease, too, including systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol. It improves LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio as well, according to a study of 31 obese people who drank a rose-hip drink daily for six weeks. The authors of the study estimated that the reductions in these risk factors decreased the risk for cardiovascular disease by 17%.[6]


Rosehip is a traditional diabetes treatment, and recent laboratory work has shown that it lowers blood sugar in animal models.[1]


Just as rosehip benefits pain associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, it may also benefit pain associated with dysmenorrhea (a condition of painful menstruation). Rose hip was shown to be as effective as mefanamic acid (a common prescription drug used to treat dysmenorrhea) in decreasing menstrual pain and symptoms of dysmenorrhea in one study.[7]

Breast cancer

Rosehip may also have anticancer effects. In a recent laboratory study, rosehip extract was found to prevent proliferation of triple-negative breast cancer cells, suggesting that it may be a potential complimentary medicine to use in treating this type of cancer.[8]


As always, check with your doctor before using any new supplements. For osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, try 5 g daily. For other uses, consult your doctor for dosing information.

Share your experience

Do you have experience with any of these or other rosehip benefits? Share your thoughts on using rosehip to treat a variety of conditions in the comments section below.

[1] Aust Fam Physician. 2012 Jul;41(7):495-8.

[2] Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2008 Sep;16(9):965-72.

[3] Mediators Inflamm. 2014;2014:105710.

[4] Scand J Rheumatol. 2005 Jul-Aug;34(4):302-8.

[5] Phytomedicine. 2010 Feb;17(2):87-93.

[6] Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012 May;66(5):585-90.

[7] Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2014 Jan;16(1):e14643.

[8] Cancer Res October 1, 2014 74; 3213.

The post 5 Rosehip Benefits: From Arthritis to Diabetes and More appeared first on Natural Health Advisory.

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Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Why is Breakfast Important? 5 Reasons You Should Always Eat Breakfast
Why is Breakfast Important 5 Reasons You Should Always Eat Breakfast 416x277 Why is Breakfast Important? 5 Reasons You Should Always Eat Breakfast
They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So why is it that so many people, adults and children alike, leave the house in the morning without having breakfast at all? Maybe you feel rushed to put together a meal, think that skipping breakfast with help you to lose weight, or believe it won’t matter if you eat more later to make up for the missed meal. The truth is, skipping breakfast can result in some truly negative consequences for your health. So why is breakfast important, and how can you be sure to get in a healthy, wholesome morning meal each day?
Breakfast is an important source of daily nutrients
Eating breakfast can help you to get the recommended daily values of various nutrients essential to good health. Studies show that kids who eat breakfast have 20% to 60% higher levels of iron, B vitamins, and vitamin D compared to kids who skip breakfast, for example.[1]
Improve your health today with our FREE report Natural Health 101: Living a Healthy Lifestyle. You’ll get our healthy food list, exercise plan, tips to overcome vitamin deficiency symptoms, and much more!
5 risks of skipping breakfast you probably didn’t know about

santé nature innovation

Les parents qui souhaitent faire vacciner leur enfant contre la diphtérie, la poliomyélite et le tétanos (vaccin DTP, obligatoire en France) ont un gros problème.
Depuis le mois de septembre 2014, ce vaccin n’est plus disponible en pharmacie. Il y a rupture de stock.
Or des sanctions pénales sont prévues contre les parents en cas de non respect des vaccinations obligatoires. Prison et amendes, voici ce que dit la loi :
« Le refus de se soumettre ou de soumettre ceux sur lesquels on exerce l’autorité parentale ou dont on assure la tutelle aux obligations de vaccination prévues aux articles L. 3111-2, L. 3111-3 et L. 3112-11 ou la volonté d’en entraver l’exécution est puni de six mois d’emprisonnement et de 3 750 euros d’amende. »

Dilemme insurmontable

Au-delà d’un débat scientifique nécessaire et légitime sur l’utilité et les dangers de cette vaccination, mais qui est interdit de fait par les Autorités de santé françaises, parents et médecins sont confrontés à un dilemme insurmontable dans l’état actuel des choses :
  1. le seul vaccin  DTP sans aluminium a été retiré du marché en juin 2008. Les laboratoires Mérieux, qui disposent toujours aujourd’hui d’une autorisation de mise sur le marché (AMM) pour ce vaccin, en ont cessé la production. Cela veut dire que, depuis 7 ans maintenant, les parents n’ont pas d’autre choix que de faire injecter à leurs enfants un vaccin contenant un des pires poisons qui soient. Pour rappel, l’aluminium est un dangereux neurotoxique (toxique pour les nerfs et le cerveau). Il est soupçonné de provoquer la maladie de Parkinson.
  2. Depuis le mois de septembre 2014, la situation est devenue plus absurde et dangereuse encore. Même les vaccins DTP avec aluminium sont devenus introuvables en pharmacie. Les représentants des deux labos qui produisent ces vaccins (GlaxoSmithKline et Sanofi) viennent d’informer les pharmacies qu’ils ne les commercialiseront pas en 2015 et sans doute pas non plus en 2016.
  3. Pour respecter leur obligation vaccinale, les parents sont désormais censés faire injecter à leurs enfants un vaccin dit « hexavalent », le seul qui contienne encore le DTP, mais qui a l’immense avantage de contenir en plus un cocktail de 3 vaccins avec aluminium (coqueluche, Haemophilus influenzae et hépatite B), dont les conséquences sur le système immunitaire immature des enfants ne sont ni mesurées, ni maîtrisées.

Dangers du vaccin hexavalent

Natural Health Advisory

cognitive decline icon Probiotics Are One of the Best Memory Supplements
Bacteria 260x195 Probiotics Are One of the Best Memory Supplements
Probiotics have become so popular they can be found on most grocery store shelves and are now touted in popular dairy products, such as yogurt. While most people connect probiotics with better digestive health, scientists are finding healthy gut bacteria also play a powerful role in brain health and even the prevention of Alzheimer’s.
If you want to know how to improve memory and cognition, it might surprise you to know that a healthy brain begins in your stomach. Here’s why: Bacterial cells in our skin and gut outnumber human cells ten to one. We also carry more than 3 million bacterial genes, in contrast to only 30,000 of our own human genes. The good news is we are meant to play host to that many bacteria. The bad news is many facets of modern life, particularly our industrialized diets, have skewed the balance of these bacteria so that the bad often outnumber the good. Newer research is increasingly linking this dominance of pathogenic (“bad”) bacteria with a number of chronic health problems, including obesity, inflammation, autoimmune disease, and poor brain health—all of which raise the risk of Alzheimer’s. Read more about the many >benefits of probiotics here.
Researchers have found the composition of our gut bacteria at birth and in early childhood shape development of the brain, suggesting bacteria play a role in childhood brain developmental disorders. The balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut has also been shown to play a role in how our brain functions as adults. Studies show gut bacteria influences signaling between nerve cells in the brain and the  activation of specific genes in the brain. In fact, studies of germ-free mice show they are less anxious and more relaxed than germ-inoculated mice, demonstrating the influence of bacteria on how our brain operates.
What this means for long-term brain health and Alzheimer’s prevention is that if you were born with an improper bacterial balance, as many children are today due to poor maternal diet and environmental toxicity, and if your current gut bacteria status is imbalanced, you may need to take extra precautions to lower your risk for Alzheimer’s.
How to improve memory

Natural Health Advisory

cognitive decline icon Phosphatidylserine Benefits: Protect Your Brain, Preserve Memory, and Treat ADHD
Phosphatidylserine Benefits Phosphatidylserine Benefits: Protect Your Brain, Preserve Memory, and Treat ADHD
Whether you’ve started to become more forgetful, are dealing with dementia, or have a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, this supplement might be one of the best you can take to keep your memory sharp. The numerous phosphatidylserine benefits for your brain are also effective for ADHD, depression, and more.
What is phosphatidylserine?
This difficult to pronounce compound is what is called a phospholipid, something that makes up part of the cell wall, or cell membrane. It is one of the more common phospholipids found in the brain, where it functions as a dock for proteins and participates in numerous signaling pathways in nerve cells (neurons). Phosphatidylserine is involved in neuronal survival and growth, the formation of new connections between neurons, and the action of important neurotransmitters.[1] This phospholipid is also important in reducing oxidative stress and increasing glucose metabolism in the brain.[2]
The role of phosphatidylserine in cognitive decline
Age-related cognitive decline can be due to a variety of factors, including oxidative damage and changes in cellular metabolism. One change in the brain that occurs with age is the alteration of the structure and function of neuronal membranes. Numerous studies have found evidence that links a decrease in phosphatidylserine with cognitive decline and memory impairment.[1,2] So could supplementing with this compound help to preserve memory and cognition?
Phosphatidylserine supplementation – does it work?

santé nature innovation

Trop de virus responsables des hépatites A, B, C, D, E, F, G
L’OMS organise chaque année, le 28 juillet, la Journée mondiale de l’hépatite. Elle est destinée à sensibiliser les autorités de santé et le public, et à mieux faire comprendre ce qu’est mon atteinte virale.
Ces virus attaquent mes cellules. Moi, votre foie, je crains surtout les virus B et C qui se transmettent par voie sanguine et par les sécrétions des contacts sexuels.
Entré dans une seule de mes cellules, le virus fait des petits, il se multiplie. Normalement, le système immunitaire, en détruisant les cellules infectées, crée de l’inflammation en moi, votre foie. Mes cellules grossissent et ainsi compriment les petits canaux biliaires dans lesquels, quand tout va bien, je rejette la bile destinée au tube digestif.
La bile a donc alors des difficultés à s’évacuer et ses pigments de bilirubine passent dans le sang, d’où la jaunisse, les urines foncées, les selles mastic, parfois des nausées et des vomissements auxquels s’associe une fatigue intense.
C’est vous dire mon rôle quand tout va bien pour que vous soyez en pleine forme et disposant de toutes vos capacités physiques et psychiques.

L’hépatite A vous « peint » en jaune

Le virus se transmet par voie oro-fécale, donc par les aliments et l’eau polluée. Chaque année, environ 10 millions de personnes dans le monde sont infectées par ce virus. Le temps qui s’écoule entre l’infection et l’apparition des symptômes est de 2 à 6 semaines avec une durée moyenne d’incubation de 28 jours.
La maladie est bénigne. Elle peut être prévenue par le vaccin qui s’est révélé efficace pour le contrôle des foyers d’épidémie.
Les signes cliniques les plus fréquents sont la jaunisse plus ou moins importante et la fatigue générale qui peut être intense. Le « déjaunissement » peut demander plusieurs semaines.

Mon histoire étonnante avec l’hépatite B

Natural Health Advisory

fatigue icon Iron Deficiency Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Symptoms
iron pills green bottle 260x184 Iron Deficiency Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Symptoms
In Part 1 of this article you learned about a study showing how chronic fatigue can be successfully treated with iron supplements in women who have iron deficiency but don’t have full blown anemia.[1] (Find 9 Iron Deficiency Symptoms here.) The French and Swiss researchers found that iron supplementation for 12 weeks decreased fatigue by almost 50% from baseline in non-anemic women with unexplained major fatigue. The researchers concluded that iron supplements should be prescribed in any woman with fatigue and low iron as defined by ferritin values below50 mcg/L.
In the study, the subjects took a commonly prescribed form of iron, sustained release ferrous sulfate, at a dose of 80 mg per day. Ferrous sulfate is the most commonly prescribed form of iron supplementation recommended by conventional healthcare providers. However, ferrous sulfate is not the best absorbed form of iron and can cause a variety of side effects including nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, constipation, heartburn and loss of appetite.[2]Therefore, many naturopathic physicians will often recommend other forms of supplemental iron for chronic fatigue symptoms; these supplements are typically better absorbed and cause less side effects:
  • Iron amino acid chelates are better absorbed and less toxic than ferrous sulfate and have been shown to be efficacious in treating iron deficiency with significantly less side effects.[3] Ferrous glycinate chelate (also known as iron bis-glycinate chelate [Ferrochel]), for example, has been shown to be much more bioavailable than ferrous sulfate, and is associated with very few gastrointestinal symptoms.[4]
  • Iron from animal sources, such as beef liver, is known as heme iron and is up to 33% more absorbable in the body than non-heme iron. Quality supplements containing heme iron are obtained from animals raised with no chemical sprays, pesticides, or antibiotics from livestock feed.

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon How to Take Oil of Oregano and Echinacea as a Potential Natural Antiviral
how to take oil of oregano and echinacea video How to Take Oil of Oregano and Echinacea as a Potential Natural Antiviral
Our video number one on this subject of using the plant extracts from oregano and echinacea explains what these plants are, the natural antiviral benefits they may deliver, and why the research study results are inconclusive on their effectiveness as a natural antiviral. But here I want to discuss the specific process that I follow personally to actually take the herbals. Based on the research, the number one key to making these herbals more effective as a natural antiviral is as follows:
#1 Key to Effectiveness of Natural Antiviral: Start taking the herbals at the VERY FIRST SIGN of infection
The longer the viral infection has to manifest itself, the less effective any antiviral will be including any natural antiviral. But this is the advantage that this oregano/echinacea approach has over the antiviral drugs Tamiflu® and Relenza® which are the meds your doctor can prescribe. These meds are only effective if taken within the first two days of getting sick. By the time you know you have the flu, call your doctor, get an appointment and get in to see her, often the “window” of effectiveness has passed. And not to mention that the drugs shorten the time you are sick by only 1 or 2 days when they are administered. But with potential use of oil of oregano and echinacea as a natural antiviral, I can have these inexpensive herbals on hand and start their usage immediately upon the first signs of an infection – that scratchy throat, runny nose, sneezing – you know what those signs are for you. I don’t have to wait to see if this is just a cold or the actual flu or another infection. I just get going on the process with the end result that it attacks the infection at the very early stage before it has time to manifest into a more serious infection.
Improve your health today with our FREE report Natural Health 101: Living a Healthy Lifestyle. You’ll get our healthy food list, exercise plan, tips to overcome vitamin deficiency symptoms, and much more!
Consider this protocol for the maximum oil of oregano and echinacea benefits as a possible natural antiviral

santé nature innovation

Voici quatre médicaments vendus en pharmacie qui sont des arnaques :

Le Guronsan pour les lycéens fatigués

Selon la légende, une pastille de Guronsan contient autant de caféine que 27 tasses de café. Ce serait un produit prodigieux pour aider les adolescents fatigués à réviser et stimuler les employés démotivés !
Mais c’est une fable. Le Guronsan ne contient que 50 mg de caféine [1], bien moins qu’une tasse de café (95-200 mg) [2].
Et son prétendu pouvoir dopant ne vient certainement pas de ses autres ingrédients !
À part un peu de vitamine C, il ne contient que :
  • du sucre de table (saccharose)
  • du sel (sodium)
  • 400 mg de glucuronamide, un composé chimique qui n’a aucune propriété médicale démontrée [3]
  • de l’arôme de « Gin fizz » pour donner l’impression d’un produit « actif » (aussi parce que ça pétille), et des additifs.

Désinfectants et antiseptiques pour les bobos

Quel parent ne se sentirait pas coupable, indigne même, de ne pas avoir de « pschitts » et de bouteilles de désinfectant pour soigner les blessures, le « qui pique » étant toujours considéré comme le plus efficace contre l’infection ?
Produits phare de la vente libre en pharmacie, les désinfectants et antiseptiques sont pourtant inutiles. Aucun n’est aussi efficace, et à usage universel, que l’eau chaude du robinet (dans nos pays).
Le mercurochrome, toxique, est désormais interdit. L’alcool ne doit jamais être utilisé sur la peau, mais uniquement à la désinfection des instruments (thermomètre, aiguille). L’eau oxygénée brûle atrocement les plaies. La chlorhexidine laisse persister de nombreux germes. La teinture d’iode tache et peut provoquer des allergies.
Reste le chlorhydrate d’octenidine, qui est très efficace contre une large palette de micro-organismes infectieux (bactérie, virus, mycoses). Toutefois, il n’est réellement utile qu’en milieu hospitalier, pour les grosses plaies et brûlures à fort risque d’infection. C’est le cas également des antibiotiques à mettre sur la peau. Laissez les médecins manipuler ces produits.
Pour les blessures sans gravité, le mieux de loin est de laver abondamment la plaie avec de l’eau chaude. Il faut un peu de courage au départ mais le miracle est que ce traitement peut supprimer complètement la douleur en un temps record, et accélère considérablement la cicatrisation. Et pour les enfants qui ont surtout besoin d’être rassurés, un bon « bisou magique » de Papa ou de Maman sur le bobo fera encore mieux que les « produits ».
Pour les plaies qui saignent, appliquer ensuite un pansement gras qui n’arrachera pas la croûte quand vous l’enlèverez. (Vous pouvez aussi vous reporter à l’une de mes précédentes lettres pour savoir en détail comment traiter les petites blessures.

Médicaments contre le rhume

santé nature

Une découverte sur le site Amessi : Cancer, Royal Rife avait Trouvé comment guérir le cancer en 1934 L’histoire de Royal Rife est d’autant plus vraie qu’incroyable, pourtant on trouvera toujours des incrédules pour prétendre ou nier tout cela, ce négationnisme,...

from Votre santé par la nature

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 8 Recently Discovered Pre Diabetic Symptoms You Can Identify Yourself

8 Recently Discovered Pre Diabetic Symptoms You Can Identify Yourself 416x277 8 Recently Discovered Pre Diabetic Symptoms You Can Identify Yourself
One of the unfortunate things about type 2 diabetes is that classic symptoms—excessive urination and thirst, for instance—rarely occur until the disease is well advanced. This means diabetes often remains undiagnosed for many years, such that approximately 50% of patients already have dangerous diabetes-related complications by the time they are diagnosed. Yet doctors still view the disease as asymptomatic in its early stages.

A new study, however, has found a distinct set of non-specific pre-diabetic symptoms that occur long before the onset of diabetes and independent of established risk factors, such as smoking, low physical activity, high cholesterol, and high body mass index.

The 8 pre-diabetic symptoms

Researchers from hospitals and universities around Germany followed 10,566 apparently healthy participants aged 25 to 74 for an average of 16 years. Symptoms were regularly assessed using an established questionnaire called the Somatic Symptom Scale-8.

The following eight symptoms were measured on a four-point scale ranging from 0 (not present) to 3 (strong):

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon What Do Antioxidants Do and Why Are They Important?

What Do Antioxidants Do and Why Are They Important What Do Antioxidants Do and Why Are They Important?You may already be supplementing your diet with antioxidant-rich foods and supplements like berries, green leafy vegetables, and more. But do you actually know what an antioxidant is or have you always wondered what do antioxidants do? Here we answer all of your questions so you can have a better understanding of how these disease-fighting compounds keep you healthy.

Free radicals: dangerously unstable

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 5 Natural Remedies for Athlete’s Foot: Good Hygiene, Tea Tree Oil, Garlic, and More

5 Natural Remedies for Athletes Foot 5 Natural Remedies for Athlete’s Foot: Good Hygiene, Tea Tree Oil, Garlic, and More
Itchy feet, flaky skin, and swelling: Having athlete’s foot is no fun, and it can be really difficult to get rid of. But these simple, easy, and effective natural remedies for athlete’s foot will help you get rid of bothersome and uncomfortable symptoms.

What is athlete’s foot?

Athlete’s foot, medically known as tinea pedis, is caused by a fungal infection on the feet, which generally begins between the toes. Symptoms include burning, itching, swelling, rashes, peeling, and pain in the toes and feet.

Because fungi grow best in warm, moist places, this condition commonly occurs in people who wear damp socks and tight fitting shoes (hence the name athlete’s foot). Athlete’s foot is contagious and can spread through sharing clothing, towels, or through contact with someone else who has it.

How to take care of your feet

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon What Are Whole Grains? 6 Tips for Replacing Refined Grains With Nutritious Alternatives

6 Tips for Replacing Refined Grains With Nutritious Alternative 416x277 What Are Whole Grains? 6 Tips for Replacing Refined Grains With Nutritious AlternativesThere are many reasons why a diet that includes whole grains benefits your health and might help you live longer. For people who can’t imagine cutting carbohydrates and grains out of their diet completely, whole grains in moderation can be delicious, healthy options to mix up meals. But these days, you can find the label, “whole grain” almost everywhere. This overused label can be confusing, however. Is it really a marker of a healthy product? How do you know which products actually contain true, healthy whole grains and which are just posing as health foods?

Whole grains have numerous health benefits

Natural Health Advisory

cognitive decline icon What is Lewy Body Dementia?

dementia 260x213 What is Lewy Body Dementia?
Dementia is frustrating. It causes tremendous heartache and anguish for so many families. As you can imagine, struggling with any type of dementia is difficult enough, but the burden is doubled when an incorrect diagnosis is made. Unfortunately, that’s often the case when it comes to Lewy body dementia, a condition in which many doctors and medical professionals simply do not know about.

Although most people are familiar with Alzheimer’s disease, fewer have heard of Lewy body dementia. Even though it is not widely talked about, it is the second most common type of progressive dementia after Alzheimer’s, affecting up to 1.3 million people. Because the disease is still relatively obscure, it is widely underdiagnosed as it produces the exact same symptoms as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. In fact, physicians who are not experienced in Lewy body dementia often misdiagnose it as one or the other of these two more common conditions. This is unfortunate, as early diagnosis could extend quality of life with early treatment. Furthermore, some people with Lewy body dementia react negatively to certain Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s medications.[1]

What Are Lewy Bodies?

santé nature

C'est une maladie cataloguée auto-immune. C'est à dire que le système immunitaire, sensé vous protéger, devient fou, et ne sait plus qui sont les envahisseurs, et dans ce cas, il s'attaque à vos articulations. Les articulations gonflent, deviennent rouges,...

from Votre santé par la nature

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon What Causes Vertigo? Learn Why BPPV Treatment Should Include Vitamin D

What Causes Vertigo 416x286 What Causes Vertigo? Learn Why BPPV Treatment Should Include Vitamin DThe room is spinning but you’re simply standing still. The dizziness and spinning associated with vertigo can be completely debilitating, oftentimes leading to nausea and vomiting. But what causes vertigo, and how can you fix it? Studies show that benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is associated with osteoporosis and poor bone health. An effective BPPV treatment might be to address a vitamin D deficiency.

What is BPPV?

Natural Health Advisory

blood pressure 100x100 3 ACE Inhibitor Side Effects to Be Aware of

3 ACE Inhibitor Side Effects to Be Aware of 416x277 3 ACE Inhibitor Side Effects to Be Aware of
If you have high blood pressure, most conventionally trained doctors will prescribe you any number of commonly used blood pressure medications. These include diuretics , beta-blockers, and ACE inhibitors. But be aware of the potential risks associated with these medications that your doctor might not be telling you; ACE inhibitor side effects range from a persistent, chronic cough to dangerous elevations in potassium.

How do ACE inhibitors work?

ACE inhibitors help to lower blood pressure by blocking the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Angiotensin is a chemical that constricts blood vessels, which raises blood pressure. ACE inhibitors work by causing the body to produce less of this blood pressure-raising chemical.

A bad cough is a common side effect of ACE inhibitors

Natural Health Advisory

cognitive decline icon Why is Physical Activity Important? New Study Shows Exercise May Protect the Brain and Preserve Mobility in Old Age

Why is Physical Activity Important 416x286 Why is Physical Activity Important? New Study Shows Exercise May Protect the Brain and Preserve Mobility in Old Age
I used to believe that exercise was simply necessary to keep my body in shape and to ward off extra pounds. But now, more than ever, I realize that the benefits of exercise expand far beyond weight loss and maintaining muscle tone. Many of these additional benefits have become far more important to me than just staying in good physical shape.

Now, my motivation to exercise comes from knowing that regular physical activity reduces my risk of diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease, helps fight off depression , and protects my memory from cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. And now I can add to this motivational list yet another reason. Physical activity now, when I am in my twenties, as well as when I am older, will help to keep me mobile and active far into old age.

Mobility is essential for older people, allowing independence, autonomy, and full function in daily activities. Things like impaired walking performance can even be a predictor of morbidity.[1] For a healthy and long life, maintaining mobility is a must.

Physical activity during youth and midlife predicts mobility later on

santé nature

Lorsque le dr SEIGNALET a découvert le sans gluten cela a été une très grande avancée dans la compréhension des maladies. Le gluten est un poison pour notre précieuse muqueuse de l'intestin grêle et nos précieux entérocytes. Avec l'éviction de toutes les céréales à gluten on résolvait beaucoup de problèmes.

Mais à la lumière des récentes découvertes en matière de diététique on peut se poser la question "pourquoi s'arrêter là ?". On pourrait presque dire que le dr Seignalet a découvert la porte d'entrée de différentes maladies mais il n'a pas poussé la porte qui ouvrait sur des horizons encore plus intéressants. Peut-être n'a t-il pas eu le temps ?

C'est vrai que le gluten est un problème, nous ne le nions pas, mais il n'est pas le seul. La nature protéique du gluten est un problème car il fait parti d'un groupe très nocif pour nos intestins, les prolamines, que l'on trouve un peu partout, et pas seulement dans le blé. Ces prolamines qui s'amusent à faire des trous dans notre si précieuse muqueuse intestinale.

Or, on trouve ces prolamines dans toutes les céréales, par exemple :

Natural Health Advisory

cognitive decline icon Dangers of Dementia Medications: Beware Antipsychotic Use for Behavioral Problems

Dangers of Dementia Medications 416x277 Dangers of Dementia Medications: Beware Antipsychotic Use for Behavioral ProblemsThe major symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia relate to memory loss ; most often when we think of someone with dementia we think of forgetfulness and the inability to recognize people and things familiar to that person. But there is a whole other set of symptoms that can burden dementia patients, and even more so their caregivers. Agitation, anxiety, wandering, sleeplessness, and aggression are also common symptoms of these diseases; most patients with dementia have at least one of these symptoms, if not more.[1] Some of the more common dementia medications are antipsychotics, which are prescribed to control these symptoms. But is the answer to these behavioral issues drug treatment, or is there a better, safer solution?

The alarmingly high rate of antipsychotic use in dementia patients