

santé nature

Une curiosité de la nature : Les ronds de sorcières Aujourd'hui, le glucose n'étant plus en odeur de sainteté, il faut bien connaître l'aliment de substitution. Le foie fabrique des corps cétoniques lorsqu'il n'y a plus de glucose à se mettre sous la...

from Votre santé par la nature

Natural Health Advisory

osteo icon A Fun, New Natural Osteoporosis Treatment Plan Just in Time for Summer
aquatic exercise 260x174 A Fun, New Natural Osteoporosis Treatment Plan Just in Time for Summer
The summer months beckon with warm weather and longer days leading many people outdoors for recreation and exercise A new study shows how postmenopausal women can make the most of the season by incorporating a natural osteoporosis treatment program into their outdoor fun.
Research published in the medical journal, Menopause, found that women who consistently performed pool exercises had increased strength and fewer falls. Linda Moreira, lead author of the study and researcher at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo, stated, “The study should encourage postmenopausal women at risk for osteoporotic bone-thinning that pool-based exercise can increase muscle and bone strength.”
Aquatic Exercises More Beneficial Than Supplementation Alone
The researchers recruited over 100 inactive women in their 50s and 60s. Approximately 25% of the women were diagnosed with osteoporosis and an additional 50% of participants were at the beginning stage of bone disease. The women were divided into two groups. All of the women took 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 and 500 mg of calcium daily. But, one group was assigned to an aquatic exercise program while the other group was not. The aquatic program included repetitions of intense activities at 10 to 30 second intervals.
Discover what causes osteoporosis and learn natural remedies for osteoporosis symptoms with our top five osteoporosis guidelines in our FREE 13-page report, Osteoporosis Guidelines: Natural Remedies for Osteoporosis Symptoms!
At the end of the study, the aquatic exercisers suffered 44% less falls, maintained bone density scores, increased bone and muscle strength, and had significant improvement in their blood vitamin D levels. The non-exercise group showed mild increases in balance and strength, which were attributed to their supplement regimen. However, the non-exercise group lost about 1.2% of bone mineral density in their femur bones, even while taking their supplements.
Natural Osteoporosis Treatment Program Involves 3 Key Steps
The study shows that the best natural osteoporosis treatment plan is 3-fold:

santé nature innovation

Chers amis de la santé pour tous,
Vous avez compris que notre santé dépend pour une large part de ce que nous consommons en matière d’aliments. Je le dis et le redis, le bio est l’idéal quand il est de proximité et de saison. L’agriculteur peut être le premier acteur de ma bonne santé.
Le reproche qui m’est fait à juste raison est que le bio coûte plus cher. Tout le monde ne peut se payer le poulet ou les fruits et légumes bio. Sont chaque fois annoncées des hausses de 20 à 25 %. Ce n’est pas faux, même si l’on sait que la cuisson d’un poulet conventionnel le réduit à un pigeon, ce qui impose d’en acheter trois… et correspond finalement au prix d’un poulet bio !
À la maison, il faut donc faire attention car le budget n’est pas extensible. Les familles ne peuvent plus économiser et la peur du chômage d’un ou même des conjoints paralyse tout investissement.
À force de chercher avec mes amis de Familles de France – grand mouvement que j’ai présidé pendant 12 ans et dont je suis toujours membre du Conseil d’administration ( –, nous avons trouvé une solution qui peut commencer à soulager durablement le budget familial.
Réduire sa facture d’énergie en jouant sur la force du nombre
Nous le vivons au jour le jour, le pouvoir d’achat se réduit partout dans les milieux urbains comme ruraux. La pauvreté diffuse. L’énergie ampute le budget des familles au détriment d’une saine alimentation qui est passée du coefficient budgétaire 38 % en 1960 à 25 % en 2007 et ne cesse de diminuer. Manger mal aujourd’hui conduit à des maladies de civilisation de mieux en mieux identifiées. Les coûts pour l’assurance maladie sont gigantesques. Le grand public en prend conscience chaque jour davantage.

Responsables familiaux et responsables de la santé : même combat

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Glutathione Benefits: How to Get the Most Out of the Body’s Number One Antioxidant
Glutathione Benefits 416x277 Glutathione Benefits: How to Get the Most Out of the Body’s Number One Antioxidant
When most of us think of antioxidants, we think of things like blueberries, green tea, pomegranates, and other healthy food choices. But one of the most powerful and important antioxidants we need is produced by the body itself: glutathione.
What is glutathione?
As the body’s most powerful antioxidant, glutathione benefits the body by playing an essential role in detoxification and protecting against oxidative stress. In doing so, this important antioxidant helps protect against a variety of diseases and health problems.
Glutathione is non-essential, meaning that you don’t have to get it through diet. Instead, your body can make it itself from three amino acid building blocks (cysteine, glycine, and glutamine). It is most concentrated in the liver, but it is also found in high levels in the brain, heart, lungs, and other organs.[1]
Glutathione depletion is associated with many diseases
When glutathione levels drop, one of the major protective mechanisms in the body is compromised. It is not surprising, then, that low levels of glutathione can cause a variety of health problems. Low glutathione is linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, infections like HIV, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, lung conditions, depression and more.[1-6]
How to boost your glutathione levels
Because glutathione is so important in the body, you might think that popping a glutathione pill would be a good idea for everyone. But studies show that taking glutathione itself doesn’t help boost glutathione levels; oral doses of glutathione are degraded rapidly in the gut and are broken down easily, making direct oral administration of glutathione ineffective.[1,7]
Instead of taking glutathione directly, there are many other strategies you can use to boost your levels and take advantage of the many glutathione benefits. Many of these are precursors to glutathione that are made up of the building blocks for this essential antioxidant. They allow you to feed your body with the materials it needs to make enough.

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Standing Desk Benefits: Increasing Activity for Adults at Work and Children at School
Standing Desk Benefits Increasing Activity for Adults at Work and Children at School 416x294 Standing Desk Benefits: Increasing Activity for Adults at Work and Children at School
Most Americans spend more than half of their waking hours in sedentary activities. At work, we sit in our office all day. At school, our kids spend much of the day at their desks. At home, we often plop onto the couch to unwind after a long day. And research shows that the amount of time we spend sedentary is correlated with our risk for many diseases and mortality from all causes. In fact, the US population could increase their life expectancy by two years if adults spent less than three hours a day sitting.[1] So why don’t we get up on our feet more?
Free Report The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time Floater Standing Desk Benefits: Increasing Activity for Adults at Work and Children at School

Do you want to improve your health with actions that really work?

Download our FREE report: The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most. You’ll get our healthy eating plan, find out why stress is so dangerous and what to do about it, learn how to get quality sleep, and much more!  
While taking breaks at work, going on a walk at lunch, and getting regular physical activity in the evenings and afternoons is a good start, it may not be enough. It turns out that an hour run after work will not make up for eight straight hours of sitting all day; even physically active people can be impacted by the health risks of prolonged sitting.[1] So how can we stand up more throughout the day? One way to do so is to introduce standing desks into the workplace and classroom. Working at a standing desk benefits adults and children alike by increasing physical activity during the day.
What is a standing desk?
A standing desk is a desk designed to allow you to work while standing. In offices, this can be as simple as a raised surface that can be adjusted to specific heights for proper ergonomics. In school settings, desks that can be used while either sitting or standing have become more popular. These “stand-biased” desks usually have stools and are taller than regular desks, encouraging students to stand while they work and participate in lessons.
Standing desks in the workplace
Standing desk benefits may be particularly important for office workers. Researchers found that participants who completed 10 hours of standing work per week showed significantly increased daily physical activity levels as well as time spend doing moderate physical activity and moderate to vigorous physical activity compared to when they maintained their normal sitting work habits. Standing desks might also help you to lose weight; after the six weeks of standing work, participants showed a significant decrease in waist circumference.[2]
With the exception of fine motor actions, such as precise mouse pointing and clicking on the computer, research suggests that most standard office tasks are not largely affected by the use of standing desks.[3]
Standing desks in the classroom

Natural Health Advisory

osteo icon The Dangers of Prednisone: Glucocorticoids Side Effects Include Weakened Bones

Glucocorticoids Side Effects Include Weakened Bones 416x303 The Dangers of Prednisone: Glucocorticoids Side Effects Include Weakened BonesIf you suffer from any number of inflammatory diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), inflammatory bowel disease, or many others, your doctor may prescribe you a glucocorticoid medication to decrease inflammation and control your symptoms. But prolonged use of these drugs can come with significant risk. Many people are at risk for osteoporosis, one of the major glucocorticoids side effects, without even knowing it.


Discover what causes osteoporosis and learn natural remedies for osteoporosis symptoms with our top five osteoporosis guidelines in our FREE 13-page report, Osteoporosis Guidelines: Natural Remedies for Osteoporosis Symptoms!

What are glucocorticoids and why are they used?

Glucocorticoids are produced naturally in the body. They are a class of steroid hormones that are responsible for turning down the inflammatory response of the immune system when it is overactive.

Often administered as drug therapy for people with chronic inflammation, these drugs include prednisone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, and more. They are used to suppress the immune system’s inflammatory response. In some cases, glucocorticoids are prescribed for short-term use to treat a flare-up of symptoms. The danger occurs, however, when glucocorticoid use becomes prolonged; therapy with these types of drugs can often persist for many months or even years.[1]

Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis

Researchers know that glucocorticoids cause a decreased production of osteoblasts (cells that form bone) and an increased activity of osteoclasts (cells that break down bone).[1,2] This means that high levels of glucocorticoid activity ultimately switch off bone formation and promote bone breakdown, which results in reduced bone mass and weaker bones.[3]

Glucocorticoid treatment that lasts for three or more months is known to be detrimental to bone health; oral glucocorticoid therapy is the leading cause of secondary osteoporosis, which means cases of low bone mineral density and increased risk for fracture that are caused by something other than the natural aging process.[1,2]

Bone loss occurs quite rapidly within the first year of glucocorticoid use, at a rate of 6% to 12%. The risk of fractures also increases significantly; doses as low as 2.5 mg per day of prednisone can cause fractures.[1] One study showed that every 0.5 mg/kg increase in glucocorticoid dose doubled the risk for vertebral fractures.[4]

Glucocorticoids side effects on bone health are quite serious, yet studies show that people receiving these drugs don’t get the help they need to avoid osteoporosis. One review found that less than 40% of people who are on long-term ­glucocorticoids are receiving bone mineral density testing or osteoporosis treatment and prevention tools.[1] Another found that interventions to improve the treatment and management of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis remain largely ineffective.[5] So what can you do to reduce your risk?

Keeping your bones healthy

Most importantly, try to avoid using these medications in the first place. There are a number of all-natural therapies that you can try first to help relieve your symptoms without them. Browse our extensive collection of resources on natural strategies for treating inflammatory conditions. Get started with some of the following blogs:

If you and your doctor determine that glucocorticoid therapy is the best option for you, be sure to take preventative measures to keep your bones as healthy as possible. Make sure to monitor your bone mineral density scores regularly to make sure you aren’t heading towards osteoporosis. If you see changes in your scores while using the medication, take measures to boost your bone density. Sufficient calcium levels are important, but even more important may be maintaining optimum levels of vitamin D and magnesium. Read our free report, Osteoporosis Guidelines: Natural Remedies for Osteoporosis Symptoms for a comprehensive look at preventing osteoporosis.

There are many alternatives to glucocorticoids and it’s important to avoid them if you can. Start by embracing an anti-inflammatory diet (learn more here) and then explore the NHA website for remedies that are specific to your condition. If you need help, use the integrative physician directory to find a healthcare provider near you that can help you treat your inflammatory condition successfully and without harm.

Share your experience

Have you ever experience glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis? What are your favorite osteoporosis prevention strategies? Share your tips in the comments section below.

[1] J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol. 2014;21(3):e486-504.

[2] Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Dec;28(6):911-35.

[3] Clin Med. 2012 Jun;12(3):261-5.

[4] J Bone Miner Res. 2015 Mar 19. [Epub ahead of print]

[5] Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2015 Apr;44(5):483-488.

The post The Dangers of Prednisone: Glucocorticoids Side Effects Include Weakened Bones appeared first on Natural Health Advisory.

from Natural Health Advisory » Natural Health Advisory » Natural health research providing non-drug, natural healing approaches for today’s health challenges

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Best Home Remedies for Burns
Best Home Remedies for Burns 416x287 Best Home Remedies for BurnsAsk any of my friends and family: I am extremely clumsy. Prone to accidents, spills, falls, and running into things, I almost always have at least a few bumps and bruises at any given time. As someone who also happens to love to cook and bake, it is not uncommon for me to bump into the frying pan or touch the oven rack when taking something out of the oven. Luckily, when minor burns inevitably occur in our home, aloe vera comes to the rescue. I simply cut off a small piece of the plant and let the soothing inner gel do its magic. Aloe is just one of the many effective and natural home remedies for burns; honey, oatmeal, and vinegar can also help.
Free Report The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time Floater Best Home Remedies for Burns

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Download our FREE report: The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most. You’ll get our healthy eating plan, find out why stress is so dangerous and what to do about it, learn how to get quality sleep, and much more!  
The most effective home remedies for burns
Severe burns require immediate medical care by a professional, but if you experience a minor burn, turn to these easy to use, all natural remedies.
1. Aloe vera doesn’t just help soothe your skin after a bad sunburn. It is also helpful for other types of burns, particularly first and second degree burns. Aloe is safe to use and can help accelerate the healing process of your wound.[1] It provides pain relief and helps your skin to more quickly regenerate new tissue to cover the injured site.[2]
How to use: The simplest way to use aloe vera for burn treatment is to use a piece of the plant itself. Simply use scissors to cut off a small tip of one of the spike-like leaves. Slit it open and apply the clear, gel-like insides to the affected area. Continue applying to your burn multiple times per day until it heals. Cover with a cloth or gauze patch if needed. If you don’t want to grow your own aloe plant, purchase high quality, pure aloe gel (without synthetic additives, as you may find in many commercially available products).
Read about the many benefits of aloe vera juice here.

santé nature innovation

Chère lectrice, cher lecteur,
La nouvelle fait la une des médias : une chercheuse de l’université de Nottingham, en Angleterre, a découvert dans un grimoire vieux de mille ans la recette d’une potion qui s’est révélée, testée en laboratoire, plus puissante que les antibiotiques à détruire le terrible MRSA, cauchemar des chirurgiens : le staphylocoque doré résistant aux antibiotiques (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).
En fait, ce remède incroyable est en train de créer « un espoir au-delà de mes rêves les plus fous », a témoigné la chercheuse, le Dr Freya Harrison.
Plus de 99,9 % des bactéries sont détruites par cette potion.
C’est une grande nouvelle pour les personnes qui vont subir des opérations chirurgicales. Il est possible que, très bientôt, elles n’aient plus à craindre les gravissimes infections au staphylocoque doré résistant aux antibiotiques.
Mais cette affaire en dit aussi très long sur l’état de la recherche médicale actuelle.

La recette était connue

Contrairement à ce que la presse a largement laissé entendre, ce grimoire n’était pas un obscur document oublié dans quelque bibliothèque poussiéreuse.
Il s’agit du Bald’s Leechbook, le plus célèbre manuscrit médical en langue anglaise datant du haut Moyen Âge (Xe siècle) et conservé à la Bibliothèque Royale de Londres. À ce titre, chacune des lignes qu’il contient a été décryptée depuis longtemps par les historiens et les linguistes spécialisés de la langue anglo-saxonne archaïque (vieil anglais).
Manifestement, les seuls chercheurs qui ignoraient son existence étaient les actuels chercheurs… en médecine.
Les yeux rivés à leurs microscopes, aucun n’avait eu le temps de réaliser l’une de ces recettes pourtant d’une simplicité confondante et précisément détaillée dans le livre.
Jugez vous-même : la recette de cet élixir miraculeux consiste tout simplement à mélanger de l’ail, du poireau, du vin et de la bile de vache, puis à laisser reposer la mixture pendant 9 jours.
D’accord, vous n’avez pas forcément de la bile de vache dans votre frigo.
Mais les personnes qui ont déjà dépecé une vache (une opération courante dans les villages anglais de l’époque) savent combien ce liquide est abondant et facile à récupérer quand on ouvre le ventre de la bête. C’est bien simple, vous pouvez remplir un petit seau avec la vésicule biliaire d’une belle vache. (Je le sais parce qu’il se trouve que, lors d’un voyage au Pakistan, j’ai eu l’occasion de participer à cette spectaculaire opération).
Mais évidemment, ça n’est pas très glamour.
À noter que le titre du manuscrit n’a pas dû jouer en sa faveur aux yeux des chercheurs. En français on peut le traduire par « Livre des poireaux de Bald », Bald étant un prénom.

santé nature

Jusqu'à aujourd'hui on vous a fait croire que pour perdre la graisse il fallait manger moins gras. Cela avait l'air assez logique comme raisonnement mais en fait, dans l'organisme, cela ne se passe pas tout à fait comme cela. Il faut se situer au niveau...

from Votre santé par la nature

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Are Mushrooms Good for You? A Look at the Many Mushroom Health Benefits
Are Mushrooms Good for You A Look at the Many Mushroom Health Benefits 416x287 Are Mushrooms Good for You? A Look at the Many Mushroom Health Benefits
Mushrooms are one of my favorite snacks. They’re delicious and filling, but very low in calories. I usually buy portobellos and quickly saute them in coconut or olive oil. But aside from being tasty and guilt-free, are mushrooms good for you? When I started to look into the research on these fabulous fungi, I was pleasantly surprised to learn of the many mushroom health benefits scientists have uncovered.
To start, mushrooms provide selenium, ergothioneine (a powerful antioxidant), potassium, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, copper, vitamin D, and beta glucans, which are immune-stimulating compounds. They also show some specific health benefits.
Free Report The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time Floater Are Mushrooms Good for You? A Look at the Many Mushroom Health Benefits

Do you want to improve your health with actions that really work?

Download our FREE report: The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most. You’ll get our healthy eating plan, find out why stress is so dangerous and what to do about it, learn how to get quality sleep, and much more!  
Better immunity and less inflammation
Several studies have shown that mushroom consumption can boost immunity.[1-3] In a University of Florida study, 52 healthy adults who ate four ounces of mushrooms each day for four weeks had reduced inflammatory proteins in their blood as well.[1] (Learn more about the effects of systemic inflammation in Why Am I Tired All the Time? The Role of Inflammation in Fatigue.)
Rich source of vitamin D
Eating mushrooms can increase and maintain vitamin D levels (25-hydroxyvitamin D).[4-7] A study of 30 healthy adults found no difference between taking 2000 IU of vitamin D2, 2000 IU of vitamin D3, or 2000 IU of mushroom powder containing vitamin D2 once a day for 12 weeks during the winter. Mushrooms that have been exposed to ultraviolet light (an increasingly common practice) and contain vitamin D2 can improve the vitamin D status of healthy adults, said Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD, the principal investigator. (If you’re not sure if you need a vitamin D supplement, read 10 Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms That You Can Identify Yourself here.)

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Why is Drinking Water Important? 6 Reasons to Stay Hydrated
Why is Drinking Water Important 6 Reasons to Stay Hydrated 416x287 Why is Drinking Water Important? 6 Reasons to Stay Hydrated
One item I could not live without? My water bottle. In fact, to make sure that I have one with me at all times, I own several; I keep one in my car, purse, and backpack, so I have one on hand pretty much everywhere I go. I also keep a reusable cup with a lid and straw next to me all day long, so I can easily sip throughout the day.
Do you drink enough water each day? If not, your overall health may be taking a toll. So why is drinking water important? Drinking water regularly can help you to lose weight, think better, be in a better mood, prevent disease, and more.
Free Report The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time Floater Why is Drinking Water Important? 6 Reasons to Stay Hydrated

Do you want to improve your health with actions that really work?

Download our FREE report: The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most. You’ll get our healthy eating plan, find out why stress is so dangerous and what to do about it, learn how to get quality sleep, and much more!  
Why does the body need water?
Water makes up about 60% of our body weight and is vital for almost every function in the body. It acts as a building block, a solvent for chemical reactions, and a transport material for nutrients and waste. It helps maintain blood volume and allows proper circulation, helps regulate our body temperature, acts as a shock absorber for our joints and our brain, helps lubricate the linings of our inner organs, maintains healthy kidney function, and more.[1,2]
Drinking plenty of water can help keep your body healthy and functioning at its highest capacity. Staying hydrated will help you to:

santé nature innovation

Chère lectrice, cher lecteur,
Un homme blanc debout au tableau, faisant la classe à des Africains assis sur des chaises en PVC.
D’un air docte, l’homme présente à ses « élèves » des dessins montrant comment ils doivent tendre le bras quand un homme en blouse blanche s’approche avec une seringue.
Nous ne sommes pas dans « Tintin au Congo », mais au Libéria, en mai 2015.
L’homme blanc n’est pas un petit reporter belge, mais H. Clifford Lane, directeur d’une agence de santé américaine chargée d’Ebola.
En toute bonne conscience, il participe à la promotion d’un prétendu « vaccin contre Ebola », qui n’a pas été testé correctement et dont personne ne peut affirmer qu’il est efficace, ni qu’il est inoffensif.
Il le sait. Il l’a lui-même reconnu le 13 mai 2015 dans un grand journal américain :
« Jusqu’à présent, il n’a pas été possible de démontrer l’efficacité d’aucune intervention expérimentale » contre Ebola [1].
Le titre et le sous-titre de l’article font froid dans le dos :
« Des conflits émergent autour des essais sur les médicaments contre Ebola en Afrique :
Tandis que l’épidémie recule, les chercheurs débattent de l’éthique de traiter des patients avec des médicaments n’ayant pas fait l’objet de contrôles rigoureux ».
Tous les ingrédients semblent réunis pour qu’éclate un nouveau scandale sur la diffusion de médicaments non testés en Afrique.

Des chercheurs se révoltent

« Nous ne pourrions pas faire ça aux Etats-Unis, et vous ne pourriez pas le faire au Royaume Uni, alors pourquoi pensez-vous que vous pouvez le faire en Afrique ? »
C’est la question qu’a posée André Kalil, médecin faisant partie des plus grands spécialistes d’Ebola, aux chercheurs ayant organisé les essais de médicaments au Libéria et au Sierra Leone, lors d’un sommet de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé,(OMS) au mois d’avril 2015.
La question est en train de devenir si brûlante qu’une conférence a été organisée à Genève au sujet de la façon dont l’association Médecins sans frontières et d’autres organisations humanitaires européennes ont mené des tests de vaccins sur des populations africaines, cela sans faire de comparaison avec des groupes placebo (une mesure indispensable pour connaître l’efficacité et les dangers réels d’un traitement).
La conséquence est que de nombreux Africains ont reçu des vaccins ou des médicaments sans que personne ne puisse garantir leur utilité, ni leurs effets et éventuels risques d’accidents.

Des « médicaments » qui entraînent 93 % de décès ou plus

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 5 Facts About Air Pollution and Your Health You Probably Didn’t Know
5 Facts About Air Pollution and Your Health You Probably Didnt Know 416x287 5 Facts About Air Pollution and Your Health You Probably Didn’t Know
Air pollution isn’t just affecting the health of our environment; it also poses a significant health risk to humans. You might be familiar with the way polluted air can cause respiratory problems like wheezing and asthma, but did you know that it also may be a major risk factor for stroke, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and more? Learn the facts about air pollution and how to stay safe.
Free Report The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time Floater 5 Facts About Air Pollution and Your Health You Probably Didn’t Know

Do you want to improve your health with actions that really work?

Download our FREE report: The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most. You’ll get our healthy eating plan, find out why stress is so dangerous and what to do about it, learn how to get quality sleep, and much more!  
  1. Respiratory problems. The link between air pollution and respiratory problems like asthma is well established.[1] The respiratory health of children is particularly affected by pollution exposure. One study found that children living near a major rail yard were 41% more likely to have markers of compromised lung function and 44% more likely to have airway inflammation. Kids going to a school near the rail yard were also more likely to have chronic coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.[2]Fortunately, measures taken to reduce pollutants and clean up the air can help ameliorate these kinds of problems. A study in California found that improvements in air quality (particularly reductions in nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter) were associated with improvements in several markers of lung function in children.[3] According to another study in Washington, the adoption of clean technologies and fuels in school buses was associated with significant improvements in lung functions and respiratory health. The authors estimated that these changes could reduce the number of absences in school by more than 14 million each year.[4]
  2. Lung cancer. Lung cancer rates are higher in people who have been exposed to high levels of air pollution.[5,6] Researchers of one study found that living in areas with high particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone were more likely to develop lung cancer. What’s more, people who lived within 100 meters of highways were also at an increased risk.[5]
  3. Brain health and stroke. Air pollution can harm your brain and might even make it smaller, research shows. People exposed to air pollution are much more likely to have strokes, which can cause significant brain damage.[7] Long-term exposure is also associated with specific changes in the brain. In one study, increased exposure to particulate matter was associated with smaller total cerebral brain volume and higher odds of having covert brain infarcts (silent strokes). These types of structural changes in the brain may lead to cognitive impairment and other problems.[8]
  4. Diabetes. One of the lesser-known facts about air pollution is that it can increase your risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Air pollution may cause problems with insulin functioning, predispose individuals to weight gain, and promote inflammation, all factors which may contribute to diabetes prevalence.[9,10] Diabetics taking insulin may be particularly susceptible to air pollution: One study found that the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein was significantly increased in people taking insulin who lived near major roads.[11]
  5. Cardiovascular health. Air pollution is a well-established factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. Several studies have found that air pollution raises the risk for the disease, as well as the risk for mortality from heart problems, like heart attacks. Pollution contributes to hypertension, atherosclerosis, blood clotting, arrhythmias, and vasoconstriction, which are all factors associated with poor heart health and susceptibility to cardiovascular disease.[12]
How to reduce your risk

Natural Health Advisory

reducing triglycerides 100x100 Why Is Soda Bad For You? Just Two Weeks of Soda Consumption Boosts Your Heart Disease Risk
Soda Consumption Boosts Your Heart Disease Risk 416x299 Why Is Soda Bad For You? Just Two Weeks of Soda Consumption Boosts Your Heart Disease Risk
We are often told to watch what we eat, but do you watch what you drink, too? Soda, in particular, is one of the worst drinks for your body. Why is soda bad for you, you might ask? The list is long and ever expanding: soda consumption is linked to several diseases, including liver disease, diabetes, stroke, and more (read more about what soda does to your body here). One of the biggest risks of drinking soda is increasing your chances of developing heart disease. New research shows that only two weeks of drinking these beverages can cause your cholesterol and triglyceride levels to skyrocket.
Learn how to achieve normal triglyceride levels with one or more of our 7 Top Options for Lowering Triglycerides Naturally in our FREE 14-page report, How to Lower Triglycerides Naturally – Diet, Supplement and Spice Options!
The study
A total of 85 men and women were assigned to four different groups. For 15 days, the participants were asked to drink beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup in an amount that was equal to 0%, 10%, 17.5%, or 25% of their total daily calorie requirement. The participants’ blood was tested at the beginning and at the end of the study to assess cholesterol, triglycerides, and uric acid levels, all of which are associated with cardiovascular disease.[1]
The 10%, 17.5%, and 25% groups all exhibited significant increases in cholesterol, triglyceride, and uric acid levels. The more sugar-sweetened beverages consumed, the greater the increase in these risk factors. The group drinking 25% of their calorie requirement had an average increase in triglycerides of 37 mg/dL and an average increase in LDL cholesterol 15.9 mg/dL.[1]
Replace soda with water, tea, smoothies, and other healthier alternatives
This study is not the first to identify a link between sugary beverages and cardiovascular disease risk; there is a wide body of evidence supporting the need for decreasing sugar-sweetened beverage intake in the U.S.[2-6] Don’t be fooled by diet alternatives; diet soda can be just as bad for you, and might even cause you to gain more weight.
Take action for your health
If you regularly consume soda, you are likely missing out on some of the delicious and nutritious alternative options out there. To quench your thirst, drink plain, filtered water; most people don’t drink enough water in the first place, and many of us are chronically dehydrated.
If you want more flavor, try carbonated water flavored with lemon or orange. Green tea, pomegranate juice, kombucha, and green smoothies are also great options. It might be difficult to kick your craving for sodas at first, but you might be surprised how quickly you start to prefer these healthy alternatives. For more tips on how to quit drinking soda, read more here.
Share your experience
Have you ever tried to cut soda out of your diet? Were you successful? Share your tips for quitting soda drinking in the comments section below.

santé nature innovation

L’histoire d’une vocation d’exception

La Journée mondiale des infirmières et infirmiers, c’était le 12 mai. Elle est fêtée depuis 2010 seulement, au jour anniversaire de la naissance d’une britannique étonnante née en Toscane : Florence Nightingale (1820-1910).
À 25 ans, Florence Nightingale est témoin de la mort d’un malade en raison de l’incompétence d’une soignante. Elle annonce à ses parents sa décision de se consacrer au métier d’infirmière. À cette époque, dans la bonne société, les malades sont soignés chez eux ; les hôpitaux sont pour les pauvres. D’une famille aristocratique, les parents refusent.
Mais l’appel intérieur persiste, et après de nombreuses péripéties, il se concrétise lors de la guerre meurtrière de Crimée, commencée en 1853. Florence Nightingale devient pionnière des soins infirmiers modernes et de l’utilisation des statistiques. Elle démontre que la mortalité est due à la médiocrité de l’alimentation et des réserves, ainsi qu’au surmenage des soldats. L’hiver 1854-1855, 4077 soldats meurent, dix fois plus de maladies infectieuses (typhus, typhoïde, choléra…) que de leurs blessures au combat.
Bien que mieux connue pour ses contributions à la médecine et aux mathématiques, Florence Nightingale est également un personnage important du féminisme anglais et de l’abolition de la prostitution.
Ma présence à la Délégation aux droits des femmes et à l’égalité au sein du Conseil économique social et environnemental (CESE) m’a rendu plus sensible à cette femme extraordinaire, dont l’histoire met en lumière ce magnifique métier d’infirmier(e).
17 millions d’infirmières dans le monde : c’est 34 millions de mains qui font merveille !
En France, Métropole et Outre-mer, 638 248 infirmières et infirmiers sont diplômés d’Etat, dont 87 % de femmes. 20 000 sortent chaque année des écoles après 3 ans d’études. Je n’oublie pas leurs collègues masculins qui, bien que moins nombreux, sont, comme elles, merveilleux au service des souffrants.
Jamais de chômage dans ce métier tant les besoins sont immenses partout dans le monde ! De la néonatalogie au grand âge, en passant par la chirurgie ou la psychiatrie, leurs mains font merveille dans tous les services de médecine. Une carrière insuffisamment valorisée alors qu’elle est si nécessaire à la société.

Les malades vous comprennent et vous aiment

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Ulcerative Colitis Natural Treatment: 4 Herbal Remedies to Try
Ulcerative Colitis Natural Treatment 4 Herbal Remedies to Try 416x277 Ulcerative Colitis Natural Treatment: 4 Herbal Remedies to Try
While there may be no known cure for inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis, there are many natural strategies that can help you to control your symptoms, such as making dietary changes, taking probiotics, getting regular exercise, and addressing a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), to name a few. Supplementing with herbal remedies can also make a big difference; try these herbs for ulcerative colitis natural treatment and get started finding relief today .
Free Report The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time Floater Ulcerative Colitis Natural Treatment: 4 Herbal Remedies to Try

Do you want to improve your health with actions that really work?

Download our FREE report: The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most. You’ll get our healthy eating plan, find out why stress is so dangerous and what to do about it, learn how to get quality sleep, and much more!  
Herbs for ulcerative colitis treatment
  1. Aloe vera is best known for treating sunburns, but helping to heal the skin is only one of the many health benefits of this plant. The gel from the aloe vera plant has remarkable anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Ulcerative colitis has been shown to respond well to aloe vera treatment. Laboratory studies show that aloe vera has antioxidant effects, and it inhibits the production of prostaglanins and interleukins, compounds associated with colitis symptoms.[1] In one study, patients with active ulcerative colitis who took 100 mL of aloe vera gel twice daily for four weeks found significant improvements in symptoms. Specifically , 30% of patients taking aloe vera achieved clinical remission after four weeks, compared to only 7% of those taking placebo.[2]
  2. Andrographis paniculata. Native to India and Sri Lanka, this herb has been traditionally used to treat conditions like the common cold. It is also particularly effective in relieving symptoms of ulcerative colitis. In one study, patients with active ulcerative colitis were given either 1,200 mg or 1,800 mg of andrographis or placebo. Andrographis was more effective than placebo, with those patients taking 1,800 mg the most likely show clinical improvement in their symptoms.[3]
  3. Boswellia is a potent anti-inflammatory herb that is useful in treating inflammatory conditions such as asthma. Laboratory studies have shown that boswellia can protect against colitis in animals.[4] In humans, boswellia has been compared to sulfasalazine, a conventional drug treatment for ulcerative colitis. The results of the study favored boswellia over pharmaceutical treatment, as it was better at reducing symptoms and inducing remission. The recommended dose for ulcerative colitis is 300 to 400 mg three times daily.[5]
  4. Curcumin is the active compound found in the common spice turmeric. It has been extensively studied for its anti-inflammatory capabilities in the gastrointestinal tract and its abilities to decrease cytokines and interleukins associated with inflammatory bowel disease.[6] Studies have shown that adding curcumin to drug therapy can help improve symptoms of ulcerative colitis.[7,8] In one study, patients who failed to improve after drug therapy were given either 3 g per day of curcumin capsules or placebo for one month, in addition to their current drug treatment. Improvement was seen in 65% of the curcumin group, compared to only 12% of the placebo group. The study found that 43% of the curcumin group experience remission, while none of the placebo-treated patients went into remission.[7] Try 2 to 3 g daily.

santé nature innovation

Chère lectrice, cher lecteur,
Mardi 31 mars, panne de batterie.
J’ouvre la portière de ma voiture pour la pousser de quelques mètres et paf, elle heurte un réverbère.
La tôle est défoncée sur quelques centimètres. Cela se voit à peine, mais c’est assez pour gêner la fermeture de la porte.
J’appelle mon fidèle garagiste. Il me promet une réparation rapide pour 470 euros, changement de batterie inclus. J’accepte le devis, et le voilà qui arrive avec sa dépanneuse.
Une heure plus tard, coup de téléphone :
« Monsieur Dupuis, je vous assure, en 30 ans, cela ne m’était jamais arrivé… »
Mal arrimée, ma voiture était tombée de la dépanneuse. Le capot, le radiateur, les deux ailes avant sont écrabouillés. L’expert en assurance déclarera une perte totale, pour une voiture qui était presque neuve (enfin, elle avait 5 ans mais je l’avais peu utilisée).
Vous allez me dire : « Jean-Marc, tout ça est dommage, mais quel rapport avec la santé ? » Vous allez voir…

Moins de médecine, plus de santé

Selon le professeur de médecine H. Gilbert Welch, auteur de « Moins de médecine, plus de santé » [1], les médecins se sentent souvent obligés de faire quelque chose, prescrire des médicaments, des analyses, des radios, pour satisfaire leurs patients.
Ils se sentent obligés, simplement parfois pour leur donner l’impression de les avoir compris. Ils savent en effet que, pour nombre de patients, un bon médecin est un médecin qui prescrit beaucoup de médicaments, qui n’hésite pas à leur donner un arrêt maladie ou à les envoyer chez un spécialiste.
S’ils résistent, ils courent le risque de voir leurs patients partir chez un autre médecin, plus « compréhensif ».
C’est un des effets pervers les plus graves de notre système de santé.
Car, comme dans le cas de ma voiture, totalement détruite alors qu’elle n’avait à la base qu’un « petit bobo », de nombreux patients sous-estiment gravement le risque de se faire traiter médicalement.

Pourquoi les meilleurs médecins, souvent, ne font rien

Natural Health Advisory

cognitive decline icon Avoiding Alzheimers Disease Caregiver Burnout

caregiver holding hands 260x173 Avoiding Alzheimers Disease Caregiver BurnoutAbout 15 million Americans serve as an Alzheimer’s caregiver, an emotionally and physically exhausting job that can also be a strain on finances.[1] Caregivers often lose time for themselves and may find they can’t participate in their favorite sports or hobbies as much, take spontaneous trips, be gone from home too long, spend weekends away, or take vacations. Added to this is the pain and sometimes loneliness of watching someone you love become lost to the disease of Alzheimer’s. Together, these hardships can increase the risk of anxiety, depression symptoms, financial hardship, and reduced quality of life in Alzheimer’s caregivers. In fact, according to Bill Couturié, director of the HBO series Caregivers, sometimes the caregiver dies before the patient, due to the hardships.

Caring for the Alzheimer’s Caregiver

Many Alzheimer’s caregivers find it difficult to ask for much needed help. They may feel uncomfortable leaving their loved one with someone else. They may be afraid no one will help if they ask, or they don’t have the money themselves to hire needed help.

The National Institute on Aging suggests the following tips if you find yourself in this situation:

  • Get comfortable asking friends, family, and others for help; you are not expected to do everything yourself.
  • Be specific in your requests for help. Ask someone to make a meal, visit the person, take the person out for a short time, or stay with the person while you run an errand.
  • Join a support group to share advice and information, and for the understanding you will receive from other caregivers. Visit the Alzheimer’s Association at to find one in your area, or get support online at
  • Use a home health or adult day care service if you can.
  • If you are not financially able to use these services, investigate local and national resources that can help you pay for help.

One of the most important things an Alzheimer’s caregiver must do is to care for him or herself. Otherwise anxiety or depression symptoms can gain a foothold and spiral into a more severe or complicated health problem. In addition to seeking help and joining a support group, it’s important to schedule time with your friends, to spend on your favorite hobby or sport, to eat healthy foods, and to exercise regularly. Investing time in yourself to look after your own health will not only make Alzheimer’s care feel less overwhelming, but it will protect your brain health and reduce your own risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Chronic stress, itself, is linked to impaired cognition.

Alzheimer’s Stages and Caregiver’s Stress

As Alzheimer’s progresses, so does the caregiver’s stress level.  How do you know if you’re losing your grip while caring for the person with Alzheimer’s? The Alzheimer’s Association has listed some symptoms that signal you need to seek professional help to deal with your stress:

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Social withdrawal
  • Anxiety
  • Depression symptoms
  • Exhaustion and excessive tiredness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Irritability
  • Lack of concentration
  • Health problems

For some natural stress management techniques, read Ashwagandha Benefits: Ease Stress and Anxiety by 44 Percent and Breathing Exercise for Natural Stress Relief.

Websites for Caregivers

Because about 10 million people today are caring for a person with Alzheimer’s, the internet abounds with relevant websites. Below are some links to the more popular:

[1] 2012 Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures. Alzheimer’s Association. Alzheimers Dement. 2012 Mar;8(2):131-68.

This blog was originally published in 2012 and is regularly updated.


The post Avoiding Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver Burnout appeared first on Natural Health Advisory.

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santé nature

Les pouvoirs publics et même les détracteurs des médecines naturelles, ne cessent de nous asséner que si nous vivons plus vieux c'est grâce aux progrès de la médecine. Je l'ai moi-même entendu, je profitais joyeusement des progrès de la médecine puisqu'à...

from Votre santé par la nature

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon What Is Leptin? The Key to Unlocking Fat Loss
What Is Leptin The Key to Unlocking Fat Loss 416x325 What Is Leptin? The Key to Unlocking Fat Loss
Officially discovered in 1994, leptin is a hormone that has quickly become known as a central player in controlling body fatness. Soon after, pharmaceutical companies rushed to get leptin-like drugs to market, thinking they finally had the miracle weight loss pill that could end the obesity epidemic (and make them billions of dollars). However, the story on leptin turned out to be far more complicated.
What is leptin?
Leptin is a hormone whose primary job is to signal to the brain and other organs to decrease appetite, increase the metabolic rate, inhibit the deposition of fat, and increase physical activity.[1] Leptin is produced and secreted by fat tissue; the amount produced depends on how much fat you carry. As you gain fat, the amount of leptin you produce increases; as you lose fat, the amount decreases.
Free Report The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time Floater What Is Leptin? The Key to Unlocking Fat Loss

Do you want to improve your health with actions that really work?

Download our FREE report: The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most. You’ll get our healthy eating plan, find out why stress is so dangerous and what to do about it, learn how to get quality sleep, and much more!  
What is leptin doing in the brain?
Once produced, leptin enters into the body’s circulation where a transport protein carries it from the bloodstream into the brain. In the brain’s hypothalamus, leptin affects the neurons in charge of increasing and decreasing fat storage. Leptin suppresses the program designed to increase body fat and activates the program to decrease it.
Leptin acts as the major feedback signal that keeps weight in the body’s preferred range. This narrow window, or set point, is what allows people to maintain a relatively stable weight without consciously adjusting food intake. Thus, if fat mass increases, hunger diminishes and the body tries to burn calories to regain its preferred equilibrium. Conversely, if fat mass decreases, less leptin is produced and the balance shifts to increase fat storage.
Given the fact that this feedback loop inhibits fat storage in response to fat gain, it doesn’t seem like anyone could become obese. If the leptin feedback loop was working correctly, you would think it would be hard to gain weight in the first place. And if you did put on weight, it seems that this properly working mechanism would then help you lose it in order to return you to your natural set point. Why, then, do so many individuals become obese, and why is it so hard to lose weight and keep it off? The answer is leptin resistance.
What is leptin resistance?

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon How to Increase Leptin Sensitivity: 5 Strategies for Easier Fat Loss
How to Increase Leptin Sensitivity 5 Strategies for Easier Fat Loss 416x277 How to Increase Leptin Sensitivity: 5 Strategies for Easier Fat Loss 
(This is part 2 of a series on leptin. Read part 1—“What is Leptin?”—here.)
Leptin is a hormone with a key role in food intake and body weight homeostasis. Made by fat tissue, leptin helps control body fat and prevent weight gain, but only when there’s enough of it and when it’s working properly. When leptin resistance develops, as in obesity, leptin stores are plenty high, but the hormone can’t reach its target site—the hypothalamus in the brain. This leaves the brain thinking leptin levels are too low and the body is starving. In response, the brain sends multiple signals to the body to increase food intake and store fat, leading to weight gain and causing rebound weight gain whenever weight is lost through dieting.
Part 1 described this phenomenon of leptin resistance in more detail. Now, in part 2, we will discuss how to increase leptin sensitivity to treat leptin resistance. This is key to lowering the weight set point, making it easier to achieve and sustain meaningful weight loss.
Free Report The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time Floater How to Increase Leptin Sensitivity: 5 Strategies for Easier Fat Loss

Do you want to improve your health with actions that really work?

Download our FREE report: The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most. You’ll get our healthy eating plan, find out why stress is so dangerous and what to do about it, learn how to get quality sleep, and much more!  
Research on how to increase leptin sensitivity is still in the early stages, but some clear strategies are emerging. The key to treating leptin resistance is to target the two clearly identified underlying causes you read about in part 1: inflammation in the hypothalamus and poor gut health/increased gut permeability.1 Here are five excellent ways to get leptin resistance under control by targeting these underlying mechanisms.
How to increase leptin sensitivity: 5 strategies

santé nature innovation

Chère lectrice, cher lecteur,
« Connais ton ennemi », a dit Sun Tzu, célèbre général chinois qui vécut à la fin du VIe siècle av. J.-C.
Son manuel de stratégie militaire, « L’Art de la guerre », est toujours utilisé dans les armées modernes. Vous le trouvez même à la Fnac ou sur Amazon [1].
Sun Tzu explique que « L’art de la guerre, c’est de soumettre l’ennemi sans combat. » Cela semble bizarre mais c’est logique : l’idéal est de mettre votre ennemi dans une telle position de faiblesse qu’il n’essaiera même pas de se battre.
Sun Tzu montre comment analyser les faiblesses de l’ennemi, comment les exploiter, comment les aggraver. Il met l’accent sur la psychologie du combat et sur l’importance de la ruse et de la fuite.
En relisant Sun Tzu, j’ai pensé à la lutte contre la malbouffe.

Lutte contre la malbouffe : d’abord connaître votre ennemi

J’ai récemment expliqué l’importance de ne pas essayer de maigrir quand on est dans la « malbouffe », et qu’on consomme beaucoup de sucreries, fast-food, boissons sucrées…
La priorité, c’est d’apprendre à manger sain. Manger autant que l’on veut, mais manger sain. Retrouver son poids idéal sera une conséquence du fait de bien se nourrir. Le régime restrictif ne viendra que dans un second temps s’il est indispensable. Souvent, il ne l’est pas.
Mais ce n’est pas si simple, d’arrêter la malbouffe.
Il va falloir lutter contre les tentations. D’où l’importance de connaître votre ennemi, savoir par où vos envies de malbouffe commencent.

Un processus inconscient

L’envie de malbouffe commence par un processus inconscient : vous êtes chez vous, au travail, en voiture, dans la rue et, soudain, alors que vous pensiez à tout autre chose, vous avez envie de manger un petit pain au chocolat, d’ouvrir un paquet de chips, plonger votre main dans un sac de bonbons, ou entrer dans une échoppe acheter une pizza, un hamburger, des frites…
Bien souvent, en réalité, l’idée ne sera pas venue complètement seule.
Première possibilité : l’envie de malbouffe vous vient parce que vous avez vu ou senti de la malbouffe. Vous êtes passé devant un rayon, une vitrine, votre frigo. Vous avez trouvé un bonbon dans votre poche, une plaquette de chocolat en ouvrant un placard. Vous avez senti une odeur de boulangerie, de friture, de fromage grillé, ou entendu même des bruits de nourriture (à la radio, les publicités pour la malbouffe comprennent souvent des bruitages de grésillement, friture, pour donner faim).
Mais il y a d’autres possibilités :
L’envie de malbouffe peut se déclencher parce que vous êtes dans une situation qui, consciemment ou inconsciemment, est associée à la malbouffe dans votre esprit. Par exemple vous avez l’habitude, le soir en rentrant chez vous, de picorer des cacahuètes grillées en attendant le repas. Ou de manger des chips devant la télévision. Ou de sucer des bonbons en voiture…
Enfin, l’envie de malbouffe peut venir du simple fait de se sentir seul, triste ou fatigué. Si vous avez tendance à vous servir de la nourriture pour vous remonter le moral, alors votre cerveau s’attend à recevoir sa dose de glucose, pour le « récompenser », chaque fois que vous éprouvez de sombres sentiments.

La malbouffe devient obsessionnelle

santé nature innovation

Chère lectrice, cher lecteur,
En essayant de décrypter la page de Wikipédia sur les oméga-3, je me suis dit qu’il était urgent de faire un point à ce sujet. Car les informations disséminées sur Internet sont embrouillées, contradictoires et souvent mensongères.
Soit vous tombez sur des sites sponsorisés par des fabricants de margarine enrichie aux oméga-3 et vous en apprenez autant que lorsque vous regardez une pub à la télévision.
Soit ce sont des sites à prétention scientifique qui défendent le point de vue officiel du ministère de la Santé. Le credo : les compléments alimentaires, ça ne marche pas, rien n’est prouvé sur les oméga-3.
Cette opposition de principe à l’intérêt d’une bonne nutrition est horripilante. D’autant qu’on retrouve ce scepticisme dans la plupart des journaux et magazines. On attire le chaland avec une couverture du style « Peut-on croire aux régimes anticancer ? ». Puis, à l’intérieur, ce n’est que « bof, rien n’est sûr, mangez 5 fruits et légumes par jour, pas de tabac, pas d’alcool et faites du sport ». (Sans oublier l’inévitable encart qui vous explique que faire l’amour permet de brûler autant de calories que 3 minutes de jogging ; merci pour le renseignement, mais je ne suis pas tout à fait certain que cela suffira à prévenir le cancer…).
Dans la mesure où, en 50 ans, l’incidence de nombreuses maladies chroniques graves a été multipliée dans nos sociétés par 50, voire par 100 (sans parler des dépenses de santé…), nous demander de faire confiance au système officiel de santé est insupportable.
On a aujourd’hui des tonnes d’études faites sur les vitamines, les nutriments, les acides gras, etc. On sait que la vitamine D protège du cancer. On sait que l’organisme ne peut pas fabriquer lui-même certains acides gras essentiels. S’il en manque dans votre alimentation, vous êtes carencé.
Aussi inéluctablement qu’une pierre tombe par terre lorsque vous la lâchez, des réactions chimiques ne peuvent plus se faire dans vos cellules, entraînant dans votre organisme des dommages qui conduisent à des maladies graves.
Tout ceci a été documenté encore et encore par une littérature scientifique abondante, et au moins aussi fiable que celle sur laquelle sont décidés les protocoles de la médecine conventionnelle. L’ignorer délibérément cause des centaines de milliers de morts chaque année, sans compter toutes les souffrances qui auraient pu être évitées.

Ce qu’il faut savoir sur les oméga-3

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon New Free Download – The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most
Free Report The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time Cover LRG New Free Download – The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most
There is a lot of advice out there on how to be healthy. Unfortunately, much of it is confusing and contradictory, making it hard to know what’s important and even what works. But when you strip away the media headlines, the best-selling books, and the biased studies, you’ll find a solid core of the most important health tips: nine of them.
In the Natural Health Advisory’s free report, The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Identify and Implement the Health Choices that Really Matter, we’ll take you step-by-step through these nine top health tips of all time. You may already be doing some of them and just need to take your health and fitness to the next level, or you may be starting from the beginning and looking for guidance on good health. Wherever your journey begins, let us guide you to optimal health.

Tip 1: Eat Well

Tip 1 Eat Well New Free Download – The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most
You would think that something as fundamental as eating well would come naturally to us, but it’s often incredibly difficult and confusing. Food writer Michael Pollan presents the simplest possible guide to healthy eating: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” But that simple advice can be difficult to translate into practice. So we break down the most relevant eating health tips and present you with a simple and easy eating plan.

Tip 2: Sleep Well

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon C Diff Symptoms and Treatments
Clostridium difficile bacteria 416x311 C Diff Symptoms and TreatmentsClostridium difficile (C-diff) is a nasty bug that infects the colon and causes severe diarrhea, resulting in an estimated 250,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. While C-diff isn’t (yet) drug-resistant, stronger strains of this bacteria are emerging, and the CDC recently identified it as one of the country’s top 3 “urgent threat” microbes, meaning it is at risk of becoming a drug-resistant superbug which poses “an immediate public health threat that requires urgent and aggressive action.”[1]
Scientists attribute C-diff’s spread to unnecessary and incorrect use of antibiotics, which can wipe out beneficial bacteria in the gut, opening an opportunity for C. difficile to infect the colon. Once C-diff colonizes the colon, it releases toxins that cause inflammation and damage to the colon’s mucosal lining. All this overuse of antibiotics is threatening doctors’ ability to combat infections, according to the CDC’s recent 114-page report, which was written for the general public and offered the first comprehensive picture of drug resistance in the U.S.[1]
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Do you want to improve your health with actions that really work?

Download our FREE report: The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time: How to Implement the Health Choices that Matter Most. You’ll get our healthy eating plan, find out why stress is so dangerous and what to do about it, learn how to get quality sleep, and much more!  

C-diff symptoms
Symptoms of C-diff range from mild, self-limited diarrhea to severe abdominal pain with bloody, life-threatening diarrhea. Some people with C-diff have no symptoms at all and are simply “carriers” of the bacteria, while others can develop severe infection that results in loss of the colon or death. Between 4 and 7% of those infected with C-diff die from the infection.
Symptoms of C-diff often include the following:
  • Mild to moderate watery diarrhea that is rarely bloody
  • Cramping abdominal pain
  • Anorexia
  • Malaise
  • Fever, especially in more severe cases
People with C-diff develop diarrhea during or shortly after starting antibiotics. However, 25-40% of people may not become symptomatic for as many as 10 weeks after completing antibiotic therapy.
Standard treatments for C-diff

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? This Therapy Technique Can Help You to Sleep Better, Manage Pain, Lose Weight, and Feel More Calm
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 416x277 What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? This Therapy Technique Can Help You to Sleep Better, Manage Pain, Lose Weight, and Feel More CalmDo you talk down to yourself? Do you find that you often talk yourself out of doing something because you might get embarrassed, don’t think you can do it, or are worried about the outcome? Do you find yourself focusing on how a health condition is holding you back?
Negative thought patterns such as these can contribute not only to psychological distress, but also to a variety of health conditions as well. Learn how cognitive behavioral therapy can teach you how to identify maladaptive patterns of thinking and how to replace them with more appropriate and helpful ones, helping you to lead to a happier, healthier life.
What is cognitive behavioral therapy?
Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the idea that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are intricately connected. Negative thoughts, for example, can lead to negative emotions and behavior, which in turn can bring about more negative thoughts, more negative emotions and behavior, and so on. These patterns can become quite destructive, leading to unhappiness, stress, relationship conflicts, and in many cases, mental and physical illness. Negative thought patterns can also make many mental and physical illnesses worse by increasing symptoms and preventing recovery. The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to challenge negative, inaccurate, and maladaptive thought patterns and to replace them with more effective ones.
Free Report The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time Floater What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? This Therapy Technique Can Help You to Sleep Better, Manage Pain, Lose Weight, and Feel More Calm

Do you want to improve your health with actions that really work?

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Are Pesticides Harmful? Pesticides on Food May be What Causes Low Sperm Count in Some Men
Are Pesticides Harmful 416x286 Are Pesticides Harmful? Pesticides on Food May be What Causes Low Sperm Count in Some Men
For any couple, struggling with fertility issues can be incredibly stressful. And the incidence of fertility problems appears to be increasing. Researchers have found that sperm quality and count in men is declining.[1]
There are numerous factors that may be to blame for what causes low sperm count in men. But one surprising one may be what you eat: men who eat foods laden with pesticides tend to have lower sperm quality .
Why are pesticides harmful to male fertility?
Pesticides are endocrine disruptors, which affect hormones such as androgens, leading to problems in fertility.[2] They may change the structure or motility of sperm, and damage sperm-producing cells.[2] This can lead to reduced sperm count, reduced sperm viability, and the production of abnormal, dysfunctioning sperm.[3]
Free Report The 9 Top Health Tips of All Time Floater Are Pesticides Harmful? Pesticides on Food May be What Causes Low Sperm Count in Some Men

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Natural Health Advisory

cognitive decline icon Memory Improvement Tips: Preventing Memory Loss with Arts, Crafts, and Social Activities
Preventing Memory Loss with Arts Crafts and Social Activities 416x291 Memory Improvement Tips: Preventing Memory Loss with Arts, Crafts, and Social Activities
Mild memory loss is quite common as we grow older. But there are many strategies you can use to preserve your memory and keep your brain functioning at full speed, even as you age. A new study provides another addition to this toolbox of memory improvement tips: researchers have found that people who do art, craft, and social activities in mid and late life have a reduced risk for developing mild cognitive impairment in old age.
The study
Published in the journal Neurology in April 2015, the study followed 256 participants over the age of 85 who had normal cognition at enrollment. Self-reported questionnaires kept track of lifestyle factors, such as which activities the participants engaged in, as well as whether they had medical issues like depressive symptoms or hypertension. After an average four-year follow up, 121 of the participants had developed mild cognitive impairment.[1] But the participants who engaged in art, craft, or social activities in mid and late life were significantly less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment during the course of the study. Using a computer in late life was also associated with a reduced risk.[1]
The study also found that factors like current depressive symptoms, genetic factors, and hypertension beginning in midlife increased the risk for mild cognitive impairment.[1]
Creativity, socialization, and aging
The results of the study aren’t surprising. Making art can result in observable changes in your brain, helping to make connections between various brain regions and enhancing cognitive performance.[2] Various studies have found that artistic activities help people perform better on memory tests, showing that stimulating the brain in a creative way is important in keeping it healthy.[3] The brain loves variety, and creative activities are a great way to give your brain a healthy workout.
Social engagement is also essential for good health. Studies show that meaningful relationships and diverse social networks are major protective factors against cognitive decline in old age. Research also shows that social connections help people to live longer, too.[3,4]
Tips for incorporating brain-boosting activities into your daily life

Natural Health Advisory

reducing triglycerides 100x100 Want to Lower Triglycerides Naturally? Mediterranean Diet Type Meal Proven to Do So… and It Improves Artery Function Within Minutes
Mediterranean diet 260x193 Want to Lower Triglycerides Naturally? Mediterranean Diet Type Meal Proven to Do So… and It Improves Artery Function Within Minutes
If you have high triglycerides, you may be thinking about eating healthier meals as a way to lower triglycerides naturally and reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. Over the long term, switching to a healthier diet is indeed the best way to lower triglycerides naturally. But what about the short term? Wouldn’t it be nice to know that by choosing a healthy meal you’re providing immediate benefits to your cardiovascular system as well?
A 2012 study comparing the immediate effects of a junk-food meal to a Mediterranean Diet-type meal has found just that: junk-food meals immediately damage your arteries, while Mediterranean Diet-type meals not only do no harm—they may even be beneficial, especially if your triglycerides are high to start with.
Learn how to achieve normal triglyceride levels with one or more of our 7 Top Options for Lowering Triglycerides Naturally in our FREE 14-page report, How to Lower Triglycerides Naturally – Diet, Supplement and Spice Options!
What is endothelial function?
Researchers from the Montreal Heart Institute at the University of Montreal compared effects of a junk- food meal and typical Mediterranean Diet meal on the inner lining of the arteries (the endothelium). The endothelium is not passive; it plays an important role in maintaining the health of the arteries by sensing and responding to various signals. The endothelial lining releases substances which cause the arteries to contract and expand in a balanced, harmonious way.
When endothelial function is disrupted, the arteries become too constricted and can’t dilate properly. How well your blood vessels dilate is closely linked to your risk of developing heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Endothelial dysfunction also is linked to inflammation and free radical damage within the blood vessels. According to the study’s head researcher, Dr. Anil Nigam, director of research at the Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Center, endothelial dysfunction is a big reason cholesterol-laden plaque builds up, clogging arteries and causing atherosclerosis.
The Mediterranean-type vs. junk-food meals