

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Is Food Coloring Safe? 4 Reasons to Avoid Artificially Colored Treats This Easter

Is Food Coloring Safe 416x278 Is Food Coloring Safe? 4 Reasons to Avoid Artificially Colored Treats This Easter
Pink, blue, yellow, green, purple . . . these Easter colors are fun and festive for the springtime holiday. But this year, try keeping these colors restricted to cheerful decorations – and out of your family’s food. If you have ever wondered, “is food coloring safe?” you were right to be concerned. Artificial food dyes carry numerous health risks; there are links between food dye and ADHD, allergies, and more.

Food dyes contain carcinogens

Natural Health Advisory

reducing triglycerides 100x100 Reducing Triglycerides and Excessive Cholesterol Maximizes Important Vitamin E Benefits

Reducing Triglycerides and Excessive Cholesterol Maximizes Important Vitamin E Benefits 416x277 Reducing Triglycerides and Excessive Cholesterol Maximizes Important Vitamin E BenefitsYou have probably heard how dangerous excessively high triglyceride and cholesterol levels can be; they are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease , and diabetes. Recent research provides yet another reason why reducing triglycerides and cholesterol levels that are too high should be one of your biggest priorities: high cholesterol and triglycerides can get in the way of the important vitamin E benefits for your health by preventing this vitamin from getting to the tissues that need it.

Vitamin E benefits

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Rosacea Natural Treatment Plan Includes Avoiding Triggers, Addressing Bacterial Imbalances, and More

Rosacea Natural Treatment Plan 416x275 Rosacea Natural Treatment Plan Includes Avoiding Triggers, Addressing Bacterial Imbalances, and MoreRosacea is a very common skin disorder that occurs mainly in adults. Symptoms include redness, bumps, scales, visible blood vessels, and pustules on the face. It can be accompanied by stinging and burning sensations on the affected skin as well as watery and irritated eyes.[1]

This skin disorder is characterized by chronic inflammation, abnormal immune response, and a compromised barrier in the epidermal layer of the skin.[1,2,3] To help better manage your symptoms, your rosacea natural treatment plan will need to take into account a variety of factors.

Care for your sensitive skin

santé nature

Que ce soit le régime cétogène ou le régime paleo, le problème, c'est toujours les graisses. On les a tellement diabolisées, qu'aujourd'hui, après avoir eu droit à un retour en grâce spectaculaire, on a quelques difficultés à les trouver.

Plus de graisses oui, mais des bonnes surtout, celles qui sont bénéfiques, riches en omega-3, par exemple. Le poisson représente une source abondante d'oméga-3, EPA et DHA, utilisables en l'état. Pas besoin de transformation. EPA et DHA sont des éléments essentiels que l'organisme va reconnaître et utiliser. Il faut savoir aussi que c'est dans les poissons sauvages et des mers froides, que nous en trouvons le plus. Les saumons Atlantique d'élevage (les plus courants) contiennent beaucoup moins d'oméga-3 et beaucoup plus d'oméga-6.

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Triclosan Dangers: Why You Should Avoid Products With Triclosan

triclosan small 416x290 Triclosan Dangers: Why You Should Avoid Products With Triclosan
Click to download the full chart in a new window.

Do you use hand soap, deodorant, toothpaste, acne products, shaving gel, makeup, or hand sanitizer? The answer, for most of us at least, is a resounding yes. But did you know that all of these personal care products can contain a potentially dangerous ingredient called triclosan? The potential triclosan dangers for your health may make products with triclosan risky to use. Learn how to avoid this chemical by choosing healthier alternatives for you and your family.

What is triclosan?

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 6 Milk Thistle Uses: Protect Your Liver, Treat Diabetes, and More

6 Milk Thistle Uses Protect Your Liver Treat Diabetes and More 416x278 6 Milk Thistle Uses: Protect Your Liver, Treat Diabetes, and More
The more I delve into the world of natural health with the research I do daily, the more impressed I am with the remarkable medicinal properties of the countless herbs and plants available in the natural world. Although they often go unnoticed and underused in the shadow of pharmaceutical drugs, there seems to be a natural option for almost any condition under the sun. One of my latest favorites? Milk thistle.

Milk thistle uses range from keeping your liver healthy to treating diabetes. The main extract of milk thistle is called silymarin, which contains many flavonoids and active components.

Protect your liver

Natural Health Advisory

depression icon How to Destress Your Life: 4 Simples Steps to Break Email Obsession

4 Simples Steps to Break Email Obsession 416x277 How to Destress Your Life: 4 Simples Steps to Break Email Obsession
Do you refresh your inbox every few minutes throughout the day? Do you check your smart phone regularly while on lunch, at home in the evenings, and on the weekends to make sure you haven’t received any new messages? Constantly checking emails is something many of us do (myself included). But is this steady connection to our computers and smart phones good for us? If you want to know how to destress your life, unplugging from technology and taking a step back might be a good first step.

Start feeling better with our FREE special report How to Treat Depression Without Medication: 5 Natural Depression Therapies that Treat Serotonin Deficiency Symptoms and Other Common Causes of Depression. You'll find natural, simple strategies that you can implement today!

Less email, less stress

santé nature

Voilà ce que l'on peut faire avec le régime Paléo : Terry WAHLS est un médecin atteint d'une sclérose en plaques, je vous laisse savourer son histoire.

L’histoire de Terry Wahls

j’aime pratiquer le tai kwon do et j’ai été champion national. Mais beaucoup de choses ont changé depuis : je suis devenue médecin, j’ai eu un fils, puis une fille. Et j’ai développé une maladie chronique pour laquelle il n’existe pas de remède. En 2000 lorsqu’on me diagnostique une sclérose en plaques, je me tourne vers la meilleure clinique, celle de Cleveland.

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 7 Natural Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment Options

7 Natural Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment Options 416x277 7 Natural Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment Options
We all get antsy from time to time and feel the need to get up and move around. But for people who suffer from restless leg syndrome, these feelings aren’t just an occasional bother; the urge to move and the uncomfortable, even painful, sensations in the legs and other parts of the body can be debilitating. Fortunately, there are numerous restless leg syndrome treatment options that are all natural and effective.

What is restless leg syndrome?

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 10 Dry Mouth Remedies

10 Dry Mouth Remedies 416x277 10 Dry Mouth Remedies
I used to take a medication that caused my mouth to dry out. Fortunately, I only needed to take it periodically, but I never enjoyed having a sticky, dried out mouth that made it hard to swallow and made me feel like I could drink gallons of water without finding relief.

If you suffer from dry mouth symptoms, you know how unpleasant this can be. For some people, chronic dry mouth can be debilitating, interfering with being able to eat and even speak on a daily basis. If you suffer from these symptoms, try the following dry mouth remedies to find relief.

Dry mouth symptoms

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon When Can Babies Eat Peanut Butter? New Study Says the Earlier the Better

When Can Babies Eat Peanut Butter 416x305 When Can Babies Eat Peanut Butter? New Study Says the Earlier the Better
A peanut allergy is more than just a nuisance; an allergic reaction to peanuts can be extremely dangerous. Families with children who have peanut allergies know the burden of protecting their kid from peanut exposure at school, at friends’ homes, and in public spaces. And with peanut allergies becoming more and more common, it is hard to know whether or not you should feed your child peanuts when they are young, with the risk of a life-threatening allergic reaction to contend with.

The question of when can babies eat peanut butter has previously been the topic of much debate. But a brand new study provides some strong evidence that might just be the answer you are looking for: kids who eat peanuts regularly in their first year are much less likely to develop a peanut allergy later on.

The study

santé nature

Stephen Phinney – L’art et la science de la cétose nutritionnelle

Stephen Phinney

- Phinney a définit le terme de « cétose nutritionnelle » il y a une trentaine d’années, car il y avait une grande confusion entre la cétose due à la restriction de glucides dans l’alimentation, et la cétose due à l’absence d’insuline dans un diabète de type 1 (acidocétose).

- On apprend en général que les cétones sont des « résidus toxiques du métabolisme des graisses ». Ils peuvent avoir cet effet dans des taux très élevés, mais ils sont également un substrat utile. Phinney souhaite donc détruire certains mythes à ce sujet.

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 3 Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes

3 Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes 416x277 3 Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes
Many women who have experienced menopausal symptoms will say that hot flashes are unpleasant, uncomfortable, and a major problem for them. Hot flashes can interfere with quality of life, sleep, and daily activities. With hot flashes affecting the majority of women of menopausal age, effective treatments are essential.

One very popular treatment used to be hormone replacement therapy. But after reports questioned the safety of this therapy and identified major risks associated with it–including an increased risk of certain cancers and other disease–many women have turned away from this approach and towards natural remedies for hot flashes instead.[1]

1. Herbal remedies

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Cooking with Foods with Omega 3: Try These 3 Easy Recipes

Cooking with Foods with Omega 3 Try These 3 Easy Recipes 416x278 Cooking with Foods with Omega 3: Try These 3 Easy Recipes
Living in the Pacific Northwest where seafood abounds, I have grown up loving fish. My family cooks seafood on a regular basis, whether it is salmon on the barbecue on a summer day, fresh fish tacos for a family get-together, or flaky halibut cooked with capers and parsley for a weeknight treat (see below for recipe). Incorporating fish into your regular diet allows you to take advantage of the incredible health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids.

Health benefits of omega 3s

Natural Health Advisory

depression icon 5 Lemon Balm Uses for Your Health: Relieve Anxiety, Improve Sleep, and More

5 Lemon Balm Uses for Your Health Relieve Anxiety Improve Sleep and More 416x277 5 Lemon Balm Uses for Your Health: Relieve Anxiety, Improve Sleep, and More
In the summer, I love rubbing the leaves of herbs from our garden under my nose to breathe in the various, pleasant aromas. One of my favorites has always been lemon balm, which releases a nice, fresh lemon scent. While many of us might recognize lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) from herb gardens, most people don’t know of the many therapeutic lemon balm uses for your health.

5 lemon balm uses

santé nature

Le magasine "Science et vie" a publié un article choc : "Un vaccin contre le cancer, les premiers tests sur l"homme". Youpi !

Les labos ont trouvé le moyen de s'accorder avec le principe de précaution accepté par tout le monde scientifique, (mais non rentable). Jeûne, jeûne intermittent, diététiques restrictives, pipi de chat tout cela. Avec un vaccin, au moins il y aura la rentabilité au bout. Ce sera brévetable, miam, miam, les gros sous continueront à entrer. Sauf que, comme j'en parle dans le précédent article, nous sommes tous des cancéreux, et que des cellules mutent tous les jours, sans qu'il y ait maladie de cancer déclaré. Un système immunitaire fort s'occupera tranquillement de vous protéger. Mais je laisse la parole à ces médecins qui nous ont fait l'honneur de collaborer dans le cadre de la technique du dr GERNEZ.

Suite à cet article, je viens de recevoir ce mail des docteurs Delahousse et Jacques Lacaze que je vous transmet illico :

Lettres aux ami(e)s pour une action urgente.

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon What’s the Best Temperature for Sleep? Cooling Down for a Better Night’s Rest

Whats the Best Temperature for Sleep 416x277 What’s the Best Temperature for Sleep? Cooling Down for a Better Night’s Rest
Do you sleep with the heat cranked up high, cuddled under layers of blankets? Or do you keep your window open in dead of winter to keep your room chilly? During the day, I tend to run on the cold side, constantly wearing layers to stay warm. But at night, I can’t stand being too warm and almost always like to have fresh, cool air coming in through a cracked window. We all have unique preferences for our sleeping environment, but if you are a poor sleeper, adjusting some of your habits might help you out. Research shows that while the best temperature for sleep can vary between individuals, keeping your room colder, rather than warmer, will help you to sleep better.

Why temperature matters for sleep

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Pygeum Benefits for Prostate Health: BPH Treatment and Prostate Cancer Prevention

Pygeum Benefits for Prostate Health BPH Treatment and Prostate Cancer Prevention 416x277 Pygeum Benefits for Prostate Health: BPH Treatment and Prostate Cancer PreventionAs men age, the prostate gland often becomes enlarged. If you have symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), you are likely tired of the unpleasant symptoms caused by the condition. These include increased urgency, frequency, and hesitancy of urination, as well as reduced urinary flow rate, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and the need to get up to urinate during the night.[1]

While drug treatment can cause even more discomfort, natural BPH treatment options, like pygeum, can help reduce symptoms and protect against prostate cancer safely and without side effects. Consider taking advantage of these pygeum benefits by adding it to your daily dietary supplement regime.

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Learn What Causes Migraines by Keeping a Headache Journal

I first began getting migraine headaches about eight years ago. While they started out infrequent, within a year, they had become so common that I was having them many times a week. For me, keeping a headache journal was an important step in getting my migraines under control.

One of the most essential things you can do to aid in treatment of headaches and migraines is to identify triggers and patterns that are associated with your symptoms. Does drinking red wine trigger an attack? Are you more likely to get a headache after a stressful day? Answering these questions with the help of a headache journal might help you to answer the question, “what causes migraines?” for yourself. Because headache causes can be different for everybody, and your triggers might be unique to you.

Begin a new you today! Our 15 page FREE report gives you a complete plan to feel better than ever.

Don't delay, get your Natural Health 101 download right now!

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Is Coffee Bad for You or a Potential Cancer Fighting Tool?

Is Coffee Bad for You or a Potential Cancer Fighting Tool 416x312 Is Coffee Bad for You or a Potential Cancer Fighting Tool?Coffee has certainly had its fair share of negative attention. Many people who drink coffee do so with the feeling that their habit is a guilty pleasure, one they should probably cut back on. But is coffee bad for you after all? Not so fast.

We recently reported on how drinking coffee might help tinnitus, as well as how it can lower your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. You might be surprised (and pleased) to learn that coffee can also lower your risk for certain types of cancers.

Drinking coffee lowers your risk of certain cancers