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natural health icon Pygeum Benefits for Prostate Health: BPH Treatment and Prostate Cancer Prevention

Pygeum Benefits for Prostate Health BPH Treatment and Prostate Cancer Prevention 416x277 Pygeum Benefits for Prostate Health: BPH Treatment and Prostate Cancer PreventionAs men age, the prostate gland often becomes enlarged. If you have symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), you are likely tired of the unpleasant symptoms caused by the condition. These include increased urgency, frequency, and hesitancy of urination, as well as reduced urinary flow rate, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and the need to get up to urinate during the night.[1]

While drug treatment can cause even more discomfort, natural BPH treatment options, like pygeum, can help reduce symptoms and protect against prostate cancer safely and without side effects. Consider taking advantage of these pygeum benefits by adding it to your daily dietary supplement regime.

Side effects of drug treatment

Alpha-blockers and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors are the most common drug treatments for BPH. However, there are many adverse reactions to these medications, including dizziness, erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, depression, and more.[2] Because of these risks, finding effective, natural BPH treatment options is essential.

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Pygeum benefits for prostate health

Bark from the plant Pygeum africanum, an African plum tree, has been used to successfully treat prostate disorders since 1969. Active ingredients found in pygeum include fatty acids, flavanoids, and β-sitosterol.[3] Pygeum is thought to fight BPH in numerous ways: it inhibits 5-alpha reductase (just as conventional drug treatments do), it has anti-inflammatory capabilities, it inhibits proliferation of cells that contribute to prostate enlargement, and more.[4,5]

A 2002 study found that physicians were more than twice as likely to report overall improvement in BPH symptoms for patients taking pygeum compared to those taking placebo. In addition, the study found that pygeum could reduce the need to get up during the night to urinate by 19% and increase peak urine flow by 23%.[4]

More recent animal and laboratory studies have investigated the effects of pygeum on prostate cancer. Researchers conclude that pygeum “might be able to play a significant role in regulation of prostate cancer . . . [and] may be of dual benefit to men who are high risk of developing either BPH or prostate cancer.”[3]

Taking pygeum for BPH treatment

Most studies find significant improvements in BPH symptoms with 100 to 200 mg per day, which is the recommended dose. Pygeum is well tolerated and safe, with no major side effects.[4,5] Look for pygeum bark extract in a high quality supplement.

Other natural supplements that promote prostate health include saw palmetto , equol , and flax seed .

Share your experience

Have you ever tried pygeum? Do you think that pygeum benefits your BPH symptoms? What other natural treatments for BPH have you tried?

[1] Urol Res. 2000 Jun;28(3):201-9.

[2] Maturitas. 2012 Nov;73(3):180-5.

[3] Endocrine. 2007 Feb;31(1):72-81

[4] Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002;(1):CD001044.

[5] Phytother Res. 2014 Jul;28(7):949-55.

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