

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Fibromyalgia Natural Treatment: Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques for Chronic Pain Management

Fibromyalgia Natural Treatment Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques for Chronic Pain Management 416x312 Fibromyalgia Natural Treatment: Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques for Chronic Pain ManagementAs someone who has had frequent migraines for over eight years, I am all too familiar with pain that seems out of my control – pain that can keep me in bed all day, holding me back from being able to live my daily life. If you suffer from a chronic pain condition, you likely know the feeling of being controlled by your pain. But what if it could be the other way around? What if we had the power to change the way our brain processed and expressed pain? Meditation and mindfulness techniques can do just that; these strategies are becoming more widely used as effective back pain, headache, and fibromyalgia natural treatment strategies.

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Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Fibromyalgia Natural Treatment: Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques for Chronic Pain Management

Fibromyalgia Natural Treatment Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques for Chronic Pain Management 416x312 Fibromyalgia Natural Treatment: Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques for Chronic Pain ManagementAs someone who has had frequent migraines for over eight years, I am all too familiar with pain that seems out of my control – pain that can keep me in bed all day, holding me back from being able to live my daily life. If you suffer from a chronic pain condition, you likely know the feeling of being controlled by your pain. But what if it could be the other way around? What if we had the power to change the way our brain processed and expressed pain? Meditation and mindfulness techniques can do just that; these strategies are becoming more widely used as effective back pain, headache, and fibromyalgia natural treatment strategies.

Begin a new you today! Our 15 page FREE report gives you a complete plan to feel better than ever.

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 4 Natural Options for Crohn’s Treatment

4 Natural Options for Crohns Treatment 416x277 4 Natural Options for Crohn’s TreatmentCrohn’s disease, along with ulcerative colitis, is referred to as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn’s is characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, causing symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, and more. As of yet, there is no cure for Crohn’s disease, but if you have Crohn’s, don’t give up just yet. Try these four natural options for Crohn’s treatment, which can help you to get your symptoms under control.

1. Probiotics

By now, you have likely heard of the many benefits of probiotics , ranging from fighting the common cold to promoting digestive health, especially in those with IBD. Researchers know that people with IBD have significant differences in the bacterial composition in the gut; it is likely that probiotics could play an essential role in helping to restore balance in the bacterial population of IBD patients.[1] So far, results of studies are mixed, and researchers suggest that although probiotics have great potential to treat Crohn’s, more research is needed to determine the specific strains and formulations that will be the most beneficial.[2]

Taking a probiotic, as well as eating more prebiotic-rich foods , might help to control your symptoms. Read more here about choosing the best probiotic supplement.

2. Vitamin D.

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Multivitamin Benefits: Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease by Taking a Daily Supplement

Multivitamin Benefits Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease by Taking a Daily Supplement 416x271 Multivitamin Benefits: Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease by Taking a Daily SupplementOver a year ago, a report was released that claimed there was no benefit from taking a multivitamin and that they might even be harmful. But as we previously reported , many professionals don’t agree with these claims and believe that there are many multivitamin benefits worth your while. A recently published study adds additional evidence, showing that multivitamin supplementation might protect you from cardiovascular disease.

Multivitamins and minerals and cardiovascular disease risk

Natural Health Advisory

cognitive decline icon Does Music Affect Memory? Music Therapy Is One of the Best Activities for Dementia Patients

Does Music Affect Memory 416x271 Does Music Affect Memory? Music Therapy Is One of the Best Activities for Dementia PatientsWhenever I went to see my grandmother in her nursing home and my visit coincided with a guest musician playing in the activity room, she insisted that we go. She loved these events, and I loved them too. It was cheering to see the room light up as residents came to life, bobbing their heads in time with the music, singing along to the lyrics, smiling when they heard their favorites, and shouting out requests in between songs. These were the times I saw the most joy in the residents, including my grandmother, and it was heartwarming.

But is the use of music in nursing homes just a way to bring joy to the residents, or does music have more profound impacts than that? In particular, does music affect memory, and is music therapy effective in treating dementia patients? Research supports the use of music therapy as one of the effective activities for dementia patients.

Music and the brain

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon What Does Heartburn Feel Like? How to Know What You’re Really Feeling

What Does Heartburn Feel Like 416x271 What Does Heartburn Feel Like? How to Know What You’re Really Feeling
“Heartburn” is not a medical term, but it is one of the most commonly used words to describe symptoms of the upper gastrointestinal tract. An estimated 20 to 40 percent of adults report having chronic heartburn.[1] With this many people regularly suffering, you would think most people would be able to answer, “What does heartburn feel like?” But many people are confused about what heartburn feels like and how it differs from indigestion, reflux, and other common stomach-related symptoms and medical conditions.

Some of my patients have incorrectly named what they’re experiencing as heartburn, when, in fact, their symptoms were something else. Knowing what heartburn feels like is important, since both heartburn itself and symptoms that might be mistaken for heartburn can be signs of a serious health problem.

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Exercise for Parkinson’s Treatment: Improve Symptoms with Tai Chi, Dance, and More

Exercise for Parkinsons Treatment 416x271 Exercise for Parkinson’s Treatment: Improve Symptoms with Tai Chi, Dance, and More As Parkinson’s disease progresses, it becomes increasingly difficult to walk and perform movements. The disease affects the part of the brain that controls movement, and causes tremors, impaired gait, rigid muscles, slowed movements, and trouble with balance and posture. It is not surprising that people with Parkinson’s are often less active than others, but that doesn’t mean that exercise is any less important for Parkinson’s patients; on the contrary, exercise is essential to include in your Parkinson’s treatment plan. Regular exercise plays a crucial role in slowing the progression of the disease after diagnosis and improving symptoms.[1]

How does exercise help treat Parkinson’s disease?

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Natural Tips for Recovering from C Section Surgery

Natural Tips for Recovering from C Section Surgery 416x312 Natural Tips for Recovering from C Section Surgery
Cesarean sections are more common than ever. In some cases, women elect to have c-sections instead of a vaginal delivery, and in others, they may be medically necessary or performed in an emergency. Whatever your reason for having one, recovering from c-section procedures can take weeks, if not months. These natural remedies can help to ease your discomfort and speed your recovery so that you can fully enjoy your time with your newborn.

Natural pain relief

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Your Cup of Morning Coffee Could Prevent Ringing in The Ears: New Study Finds Caffeine Benefits Tinnitus

Your Cup of Morning Coffee Could Prevent Ringing in The Ears 416x277 Your Cup of Morning Coffee Could Prevent Ringing in The Ears: New Study Finds Caffeine Benefits Tinnitus
I am the only person in my family who does not wake up and begin my day with a cup of coffee. I personally just don’t like the taste, but I am in the minority here; the majority of people I know are avid coffee drinkers, and they will take just about any reason out there to drink more of it. We’ve told you about the way that caffeine benefits Alzheimer’s prevention , and now we have even more good news. Drinking coffee might help lower your chances of getting tinnitus, as well.

What is tinnitus?

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Does Glucosamine Work? Another Study Finds Glucosamine with Chondroitin Works As Well as Celebrex for Knee Pain

Does Glucosamine Work 416x277 Does Glucosamine Work? Another Study Finds Glucosamine with Chondroitin Works As Well as Celebrex for Knee Pain
If you’re still confused about all the conflicting messages about joint pain supplements and wondering, “Does glucosamine work?” you may finally have an answer. Since the large GAIT trial in 2008, we’ve suspected that glucosamine works for people with at least moderate pain due to knee osteoarthritis, especially when it’s combined with chondroitin.[1]

I wrote about the combination last year here , summarizing the inconsistent research results to-date. Now, we finally have even more proof that these supplements work. A large new trial has found that glucosamine plus chondroitin sulfate works as well as celecoxib (Celebrex) for providing clinically significant pain relief for people with moderate-to-severe knee pain.[2]

For whom does glucosamine work best?

Natural Health Advisory

blood pressure 100x100 Probiotics Are Effective Natural Blood Pressure Remedies

Probiotics and Blood Pressure 416x260 Probiotics Are Effective Natural Blood Pressure Remedies
I, like many people, have a bad habit about forgetting to take my dietary supplements on a regular basis. Only recently, when I felt a cold coming on, did I reinstate my daily probiotic regimen. This was a habit I had set aside for far too long, but that I believe to be an essential tool to getting and staying healthy. If you have ever wondered, “why take probiotics?” the answer is long and the reasons are widespread; probiotics are important for everything from fighting off the common cold to preserving memory to treating chronic fatigue . Recent findings suggest that probiotics are also useful as natural blood pressure remedies.

Probiotic consumption and blood pressure

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 4 Common Maltitol Side Effects: More Reasons to Limit Your Artificial Sweetener Intake

4 Common Maltitol Side Effects 416x277 4 Common Maltitol Side Effects: More Reasons to Limit Your Artificial Sweetener IntakeA lot of people want to decrease their sugar intake, and with good reason; too much sugar can increase your chances of dementia , contribute to osteoporosis , and more. But are artificial sweeteners the way to go? There are a multitude of alternatives to sugar, including stevia , agave, coconut sugar, and artificial sweeteners. The most commonly used artificial sweeteners used commercially are sugar alcohols, like xylitol and maltitol. But before you eat too many of these sugar-free products, you should be aware of these maltitol side effects.

What is maltitol?

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon What is Eczema and How Can You Treat it Naturally?

What is Eczema and How Can You Treat it Naturally 416x277 What is Eczema and How Can You Treat it Naturally?Do you or your child have red, rough, dry skin that is irritated and itchy? These could be signs of eczema, and inflammatory skin disorder. If you have ever wondered, “what is eczema?” here is a list of eczema symptoms and eczema home treatment options to get you started in finding relief.

What is eczema?

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. Primarily impacting young children, eczema is considered an allergic disorder, as it occurs when the immune system mounts an attack when exposed to minute amounts of things like dust, pollen, or foods, which are normally considered harmless. Most people develop eczema within the first five years of life, often within the first year. Although for many, the disease goes away before adolescence, some cases of eczema continue into adulthood, or can even begin during that time.[1]

Eczema symptoms

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Choosing The Best Gluten Free Flour Substitute

Choosing The Best Gluten Free Flour Substitute 416x277 Choosing The Best Gluten Free Flour Substitute
Six years ago, when I first had to alter my diet to treat my migraines, finding the words “gluten-free” on a product was a challenge. And when I did, it rarely tasted great – not at all like the real thing. Now, however, most grocery stores and bakeries sell at least a small selection of gluten-free products. While the taste, texture, and selection has improved immensely over the years, I actually prefer making my own gluten-free goods at home.

If you have to avoid gluten (or choose to for health reasons), it might be daunting to make your own gluten-free goods at home. To help get you started, here are some tips for choosing the best gluten-free flour substitute to use in your recipes.

Why go gluten free?

Natural Health Advisory

depression icon Dangers of Anti Anxiety and Sleep Medications In Youth: Opt for Natural Sleep Remedies and Anxiety Solutions Instead

Dangers of Anti Anxiety and Sleep Medications In Youth 416x278 Dangers of Anti Anxiety and Sleep Medications In Youth: Opt for Natural Sleep Remedies and Anxiety Solutions InsteadDoes your kid need help sleeping? Are they anxious and unable to stay calm? Don’t just head to your doctor for some sleeping pills or anxiety meds – these prescriptions could be dangerous for your child. Kids given prescriptions for sleeping pills and anti anxiety medications are much more likely to go on to abuse these drugs later on, so try natural sleep remedies or anti-anxiety solutions first.

Xanax, Valium, Ambien, and more

In the last decade, prescriptions for anti-anxiety medications and sleep aids have been increasing.[1] And this trend isn’t just true for adults; many adolescents are written prescriptions for these drugs from family doctors. But as with many conditions, drug treatment should be a last resort, not the first thing you turn to.

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Scared About What’s In Your Supplements After Reading The Latest Headlines?

Scared About What Is In Your Supplements After Reading The Latest Headlines 416x278 Scared About What’s In Your Supplements After Reading The Latest Headlines?You’ve probably seen the headlines by now: four large retailers were just ordered by the New York State Attorney General’s office to stop selling their store brands of herbal dietary supplements due to allegedly mislabeled or adulterated ingredients.[1] But what you probably haven’t seen yet—because the media didn’t report it—was that the DNA testing used was not appropriate for herbal supplements.

Science was inappropriate and actions taken were premature

You and I likely agree that the dietary supplement industry has problems. But experts in botany, pharmacognosy, and natural product chemistry—three key scientific areas related to herb and medicinal plant research—are calling the testing flawed, scientifically-inappropriate, and inconsistent with the FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) for herbal product quality control (detailed procedures for validating composition and purity).[2,3]

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Are Walnuts Good For You?

Are Walnuts Good For You 416x278 Are Walnuts Good For You?We recently shared with you how adding nuts to your diet can help you live longer, prevent disease, and actually control weight, in contrast to the many claims that nuts are unhealthy, fatty indulgences. And it seems that the best nut of all might just be the walnut. So if you’ve ever questioned if walnuts are good for you, you can rest assured that eating a few walnuts a day can’t hurt; it can only help by protecting from cancer, diabetes, heart problems, and more.

Why are walnuts good for you?

Walnuts are a source of powerful nutrients that boost health and protect against disease, including polyphenols, fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols, α-linolenic acid, and carotenoids.[1,2] Many of these compounds are antioxidants; walnuts may have the highest amount of antioxidant potential of all nuts and can help decrease oxidative stress after a meal.[3,4]

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