

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon How to Start Eating Healthy: The Benefits of Cooking at Home

The Benefits of Cooking at Home 416x276 How to Start Eating Healthy: The Benefits of Cooking at Home
Growing up, my family always made dinner at home. While most nights I stick to that habit, I know I am not alone in having difficulty finding the motivation and time to make home-cooked meals every night. Ordering take-out, buying a pre-packaged dinner, or going out to eat is often quite tempting. Doing these things on occasion can be fun, delicious, and a good way to mix up your routine, but if you want to know how to start eating healthy, the first step is to make cooking at home a priority.

From 1965 to 1995, the time spent cooking declined almost 40% in the US.[1] The average American spends only about 30 minutes a day on preparing and cleaning up food,[2] and a recent study showed that only half of American households cook dinner at home on a regular basis.[1] With more fast food and pre-packed meals available than ever before, this isn’t surprising. But this change is coming with negative consequences on our health. Pre-made food is often loaded with salt, fats, preservatives, sugar, and artificial ingredients.

Health benefits of cooking at home

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon What Are You Grateful for? How Gratitude Training Can Boost Your Health

What Are You Grateful for How Gratitude Training Can Boost Your Health 416x277 What Are You Grateful for? How Gratitude Training Can Boost Your HealthGathering with friends and family during the holiday season is often a time we take to remember what we are thankful for. This year, I am thankful for family and friends that love and support me, a job that brings me meaning, and continual improvements in my health. But why not focus on what we are thankful for each and every day, not just during the holiday season?

Going into the New Year, your health will thank you if you make gratitude exercises a part of your regular, daily routine. Gratitude training, through keeping a daily gratitude journal or other techniques, might be vitally important to boosting your health and well-being, just like regular exercise is.

The health benefits of gratitude

Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon Avoiding Adult Sibling Rivalry Might Help you Live a Happier, Healthier Life

Avoiding Adult Sibling Rivalry Might Help you Live a Happier Healthier Life 416x247 Avoiding Adult Sibling Rivalry Might Help you Live a Happier, Healthier LifeI love the holidays because it is a chance for my entire family to be together under one roof again. One thing I look forward to most is having both of my brothers home. I grew up with two older brothers, and being much younger than them, I was lucky to be the little sister. My brothers played with me and made me laugh, held my hand as we crossed the street, and made me feel loved and protected. That isn’t to say that we haven’t annoyed, teased, or bothered each other from time to time over the years, but we had – and still have – a great relationship.

Most sibling relationships come with some sort of conflict, whether it is big or small. And unfortunately, these conflicts can often turn into adult sibling rivalry or negative relationships during adulthood. But it turns out that your brothers or sisters can have a huge affect on your health and well-being, and staying close to your siblings might actually help you live a healthier, happier life.

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Natural Health Advisory

natural health icon 4 Jet Lag Remedies to Ease Your Holiday Travels

4 Jet Lag Remedies to Ease Your Holiday Travels 416x288 4 Jet Lag Remedies to Ease Your Holiday Travels
The holidays are a time for family, food, relaxation, and oftentimes, travel. I, for one, don’t look forward to long travel days or the repercussions of disruptions to my regular schedule. Sleepiness, headaches, and gastrointestinal problems can all be symptoms of jet lag. The more time zones you cross, the worse your symptoms will be. Some studies estimate that our natural, circadian clock can only adjust about one hour per day when we have crossed many time zones. It can take at least six days for your body to fully adjust after travelling across ten time zones.[1]

Whether you are flying across the country to visit family or taking advantage of the holiday by going on a trip abroad, these jet lag remedies will help you to easily adjust to the new schedule of your destination.