

Natural Health Advisory » Natural Health Advisory » Natural health research providing non-drug, natural healing approaches for today’s health challenges

Natural Health Advisory » Natural Health Advisory » Natural health research providing non-drug, natural healing approaches for today's health challenges
Strategies that Work
Top Minerals and Vitamins That Help Acne
9/30/2014 12:07:13 PM
natural health icon Top Minerals and Vitamins That Help Acne
Top Minerals and Vitamins That Help Acne 416x277 Top Minerals and Vitamins That Help AcneAcne is a bothersome problem most people have been familiar with at some point in their lives. Affecting adolescents and young adults the most, this skin disease can persist for years and can even lead to scarring if not treated.
In severe cases, doctors prescribe both topical and oral antibiotics. Long-term use of these antibiotics can cause digestive problems, bacterial resistance, and more unwanted effects. Some formerly popular acne medications have even been recalled due to safety issues.
Research shows that people with acne have lower levels of certain nutrients. Incorporating more of these minerals and vitamins that help acne into your diet, either through food sources or supplements, might help you to treat your acne and clear up your skin.

Santé Nature Innovation

Santé Nature Innovation
Les nouveaux traitements naturels validés par la recherche scientifique
Comment aggraver vos petites blessures
9/29/2014 10:56:44 AM
Chère lectrice, cher lecteur,
Rentrant de l’école ce soir en trottinette, ma fille bute dans un trottoir, plonge la tête la première et se racle la joue contre le macadam.
La lèvre est éclatée, deux dents bougent, sanguinolentes, et sa pommette est méchamment râpée. Elle laisse transpercer la lymphe et des perles de sang. Manifestement, ça doit faire mal…
Dans les pharmacies, vous trouvez des rayons entiers de sprays antiseptiques, vaporisateurs désinfectants, crèmes antibiotiques, antibactériennes, antiseptiques et autres nettoyants pour plaie. Nos grand-mères utilisaient de l’alcool, de l’eau oxygénée, de la teinture d’iode ou du mercurochrome.

Natural Health Advisory » Natural Health Advisory » Natural health research providing non-drug, natural healing approaches for today’s health challenges

Natural Health Advisory » Natural Health Advisory » Natural health research providing non-drug, natural healing approaches for today's health challenges
Strategies that Work
9 Triglyceride-Lowering Foods to Eat Every Day: Going Greek to Reduce Triglycerides Naturally
9/29/2014 10:00:00 AM
reducing triglycerides 100x100 9 Triglyceride Lowering Foods to Eat Every Day: Going Greek to Reduce Triglycerides Naturally
Go Greek to Reduce Triglycerides Naturally 416x297 9 Triglyceride Lowering Foods to Eat Every Day: Going Greek to Reduce Triglycerides Naturally
A Diet to Reduce Triglycerides Naturally?
According to the Mayo Clinic, "A recent analysis of more than 1.5 million healthy adults demonstrated that following a Mediterranean diet was associated with a reduced risk of overall and cardiovascular mortality, a reduced incidence of cancer and cancer mortality, and a reduced incidence of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases."[1] So if your doctor has warned you about your higher than desirable triglyceride levels, try this delicious diet to reduce triglycerides naturally.